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08/13/07 8:55 PM

#72381 RE: roni #72379


Glad to hear it's good there. The problem I notice is, like I said, specific to the Texas Medical Center. With four bars of signal AT&T can't connect your call; the towers are just too overloaded there.

Elsewhere life's different, natch. Thanks for the data point ;-)

Take care,


08/14/07 2:10 AM

#72388 RE: roni #72379

EDGE in San Diego is fine also. In fact, superior to EVDO inside a heavily shielded Operating Room. Raw download speeds in the wide open spaces are superior(400 kb/sec for EVDO vs. 150-200kb/sec.(in San Diego) for EDGE -- but the web surfing experience only feels slightly slower on EDGE(with iPhone software/hardware combo), and is quite acceptable. I kept my Verizon EVDO/Broadband access account for a month to do a real-life A/B comparison, and ended up happily relinquishing the Verizon EVDO capability(and it's associated $59./month charge).
