RE: Only in America. Sometimes I feel we are our own worst enemy!
thanks Telephonics that's well said and about 100% true -
more and more I feel to not say to much anymore -
the nss bolshevikz 666 evilz 9/11 terrorize - all good companies in America - and the nss naked short selling continued - on all companies the nss want to take over for peanutz -
the nss 666 killed 1000s of CEO's in 9/11 - to continue to destroy and short sell their companies - after the 666 first killed and murdered all 888 genius - IT people - in The Worlds Trade Centre -
the manipulationz and no law and rules in America - needs to be 100% overhauled by 888 democracy - and fair Law people without the 666 evilz destroy all -
Freedom and Liberty in America - God Bless America -