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12/05/01 1:51 AM

#2 RE: Joemoney #1

Hi congrats on first post!
I have encountered the question of whether shorting is ethical, but to be honest, I am not looking to be ethical, I am looking to make money. People do far less ethical things in the pursuit of money. If I am lumped in with that group, so be it.
As per brokerage, when I did trade short (long story) I had the advantage of being a Canadian citizen and opened an account with Canada Trust. I never had a problem with finding shares, or had my shares called back. Canada Trust has since merged with Toronto Dominion (TD) bank and come under the TD Securities label.
I must explain that I am first looking to develop a strategy before I take the step of re-opening an account. Money is tight now so there is no room to goof around and practice. Anyways, have you employed any strategies to shorting?
