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08/14/07 5:01 PM

#11826 RE: NYBob #11801

U.S. sees no "legal standing" for Russia flag-planting in Arctic 2007-08-03 10:26:41

WASHINGTON, Aug. 2 (Xinhua) -- The United States said on Thursday that Russia's flag-planting in Arctic has no legal standing to claim for rights to the mineral-rich region.

"I'm not sure of whether they've put a metal flag, a rubber flag or a bed sheet on the ocean floor," State Department spokesman Tom Casey said of an expedition by two Russian submarines to the floor of the Arctic Ocean.

It was reported that Russians had planted a banner of rustproof titanium as a symbol of Moscow's claim over a vast expanses of the Arctic floor.

"Either way, it doesn't have any legal standing or effect on this claim," Casey said, "it certainly to us doesn't represent any kind of substantive claim, and I certainly haven't heard anyone else make the argument that it does."

Casey made the remarks after Russian mini-subs completed their visit to the seabed under the North Pole.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called the mission participants after their return, congratulating them on a successful mission, the Kremlin said.

USSR 666-bolshevikz E. German 'licence to kill' found -

Border guards in East Germany during the (Cold War?) Peace-Time -
from 1961 - to Pres. Reagan wiped out the bolshevikz666terrorz wall! -
were given clear orders to shoot at attempted defectors,
including children, a senior official says.

A newly discovered order is the firmest evidence yet
that the communist bolshevikz 666regime gave explicit -
shoot-to-kill orders, says Germany's director -
of Stasi files.

First people had to cross a wide mine field -
if they made it over the 666 ussr bolshevikz devilz -
Guards shot 1000s of people trying to cross -
the Berlin Wall - I heard about Christian peoples Pray
for help - about every day for 25 years -
the 666 had target excercise excercusions on -
the 666guardz let the 888 bleed on the barb wires -
but before the top killed murdered by target practise terrorz -
and that was still the few Christians who did get
to the wall - the most were killed by the 666minefield -

The Stasi was the security ministry of the East German -
government, which always denied there was such a policy.

The order "is a licence to kill", said the head of a -
Stasi victims' memorial.

Hubertus Knabe called for a criminal investigation -
and possible murder charges to be brought against -
whoever drew up the order, saying nearly all -
the Stasi's 91,000 former employees had -
gone "practically unpunished".

Still reckoning

The seven-page document dated 1 October 1973,
was found last week in an archive in the eastern city -
of Magdeburg, among the papers of an -
East German border guard.

"Do not hesitate with the use of a firearm,
including when the border breakouts involve women -
and children, which the traitors have already -
frequently taken advantage of," it reads.

Officially, East German border regulations said use -
of a weapon was to be considered an "extreme measure".

But Marianne Birthler, director of the government office -
that now manages Stasi archives, said the order proves -
that the top echelon of the regime expected attempted -
runaways to be killed.

"The document is so important because the political leaders -
of the time continue to deny there was an order to shoot,"
she told the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.

"We have a long way to go in reckoning with the past," -
she added.

A prominent victims' group said last week that at least -
1,245 people had been killed trying to flee East Germany,
more than half of them after the Berlin Wall -
was erected in 1961.

The figure is far higher than the official total.

A Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2007/08/12 13:40:55 GMT

Rather than just repeating the Stalinist viewpoint,
Duranty often admitted the brutality of the Stalinist system
and then proceeded to both explain and defend why
dictatorship or brutality were necessary...

Ex. A Story....
Joseph Stalin USSR communist dictator closed down over 48 000
Christian Churches, and attempted the liquidation of
the entire Christian Church People -

200 million Christians have been murder
and many more persecuted by the ussr
bolshevikz evilz666 terrorz etc. -

Ex. of a few Christian stories....
The Christian history is -

Let's Pray!
Christians need to pray for those trapped in lands misruled
by 666 dictators.
Pray that these people would be set free.

Political 666misrule may also result in poverty.
Pray that God would meet the needs of the people trapped
in these lands.

Christianity is a forbidden religion in many 666dictatorships.
Pray that God would free and protect 888believers in these

Christians have seen, dictators also have been known to start
Pray that the lands bordering such countries may be protected
from aggression.

Let us also pray for the salvation of the 666dictators
themselves. In Daniel 4:37, we see the humbled dictator
Nebuchadnezzar praising God.

Pray to God will help and reform dictators in today's world.
Along that same line, let's pray for God to depose those -
666 whose hearts will never bend to His will.
The atrocities against Christians - continue to this day!
History often repeat itself -

Please join and let us all Pray -
Pray Unto Pater GOD For All!

Holy New Martyrs, and
Confessors Of Holy Christian Faith,
Pray Unto GOD For Us!
Thanks Father for the bread to all today -


08/31/07 1:02 AM

#11946 RE: NYBob #11801

RE: hi Bob , this one got buried. i'll see it read it and

it will go by your input for all.

USSR 666-bolshevikz E. German 'licence to kill' found -

Border guards in East Germany during the (Cold War?) Peace-Time -
from 1961 - to Pres. Reagan wiped out the bolshevikz666terrorz wall! -
were given clear orders to shoot at attempted defectors,
including children, a senior official says.

A newly discovered order is the firmest evidence yet
that the communist bolshevikz 666regime gave explicit -
shoot-to-kill orders, says Germany's director -
of Stasi files.

First people had to cross a wide mine field -
if they made it over the 666 ussr bolshevikz devilz -
Guards shot 1000s of people trying to cross -
the Berlin Wall - I heard about Christian peoples Pray
for help - about every day for 25 years -
the 666 had target excercise excercusions on -
the 666guardz let the 888 bleed on the barb wires -
but before the top killed murdered by target practise terrorz -
and that was still the few Christians who did get
to the wall - the most were killed by the 666minefield -

The Stasi was the security ministry of the East German -
government, which always denied there was such a policy.

The order "is a licence to kill", said the head of a -
Stasi victims' memorial.

Hubertus Knabe called for a criminal investigation -
and possible murder charges to be brought against -
whoever drew up the order, saying nearly all -
the Stasi's 91,000 former employees had -
gone "practically unpunished".

Still reckoning

The seven-page document dated 1 October 1973,
was found last week in an archive in the eastern city -
of Magdeburg, among the papers of an -
East German border guard.

"Do not hesitate with the use of a firearm,
including when the border breakouts involve women -
and children, which the traitors have already -
frequently taken advantage of," it reads.

Officially, East German border regulations said use -
of a weapon was to be considered an "extreme measure".

But Marianne Birthler, director of the government office -
that now manages Stasi archives, said the order proves -
that the top echelon of the regime expected attempted -
runaways to be killed.

"The document is so important because the political leaders -
of the time continue to deny there was an order to shoot,"
she told the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.

"We have a long way to go in reckoning with the past," -
she added.

A prominent victims' group said last week that at least -
1,245 people had been killed trying to flee East Germany,
more than half of them after the Berlin Wall -
was erected in 1961.

The figure is far higher than the official total.

A Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2007/08/12 13:40:55 GMT

Rather than just repeating the Stalinist viewpoint,
Duranty often admitted the brutality of the Stalinist system
and then proceeded to both explain and defend why
dictatorship or brutality were necessary...

Ex. A Story....
Joseph Stalin USSR communist dictator closed down over 48 000
Christian Churches, and attempted the liquidation of
the entire Christian Church People -

200 million Christians have been murder
and many more persecuted by the ussr
bolshevikz evilz666 terrorz etc. -

Ex. of a few Christian stories....
The Christian history is -

Let's Pray!
Christians need to pray for those trapped in lands misruled
by 666 dictators.
Pray that these people would be set free.

Political 666misrule may also result in poverty.
Pray that God would meet the needs of the people trapped
in these lands.

Christianity is a forbidden religion in many 666dictatorships.
Pray that God would free and protect 888believers in these

Christians have seen, dictators also have been known to start
Pray that the lands bordering such countries may be protected
from aggression.

Let us also pray for the salvation of the 666dictators
themselves. In Daniel 4:37, we see the humbled dictator
Nebuchadnezzar praising God.

Pray to God will help and reform dictators in today's world.
Along that same line, let's pray for God to depose those -
666 whose hearts will never bend to His will.
The atrocities against Christians - continue to this day!
History often repeat itself -

Please join and let us all Pray -
Pray Unto Pater GOD For All!

Holy New Martyrs, and
Confessors Of Holy Christian Faith,
Pray Unto GOD For Us!
Thanks Father for the bread to all today -


08/31/07 1:19 AM

#11947 RE: NYBob #11801

me again, i was reading here and worth the message here.

FROM NYBob 08/30/2007___U.S. sees no "legal standing" for Russia flag-planting in Arctic 2007-08-03 10:26:41
SEE MESSAGE #msg-22510718