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01/26/04 5:39 PM

#8 RE: Buy high sell low #6

I stayed in. I thought the spike was just too much for the news. It caught me off balance, and I could not see a clear path. By the time I thought about taking some profits, the price was already dropping, and I did not see a large enough profit to risk the potential future profits.

I watched my $100,000 plus turn into $50,000 plus, but it does not bother me. For once I am actually going to stay in for the long haul. With that said, it will be really difficult to hold all of my shares if it spikes again.

My current plan is to buy another 150,000 shares at or below .08. That will be my last large purchase. That would give me around 750,000 shares.

Then I will sit back and watch it grow (hopefully).

When it comes to RDOC, "I'm all in!"