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01/22/04 10:57 PM

#13 RE: thepennyking #5

So, a history wrought with tragedy. It's no wonder Hungary today is a leader in the world in suicide and has one of the lowest life-expectancy rates. But there's always hope. In 1996, Hungary celebrated its 1100th anniversary. A new awareness of what it means to be Hungarian and a willingness to assert her interests seems to be building. Half of all Western investment in Central/Eastern Europe is in Hungary - and half of that is US investment. Inflation has come under control and Hungary joined NATO. Hungary again leads Central and Eastern Europe toward democratization, but faces severe economic trials while her people on the other side of the border face persecution and according to the Helsinki Watch, "cultural genocide."

"The Roumanians are really the most reliable people in the world when it comes to depending upon their breaking any promises they make." - General Harry Hill Bandholtz, US Army, 22 NOV 1919, taken from his diaries which can be seen along with many more historical documents all available for download in Zip format at the outstanding Corvinus Virtual Library or mirror. General Bandholtz was the one who saved the Crown Jewels from the Rumanians. His statue sits in front of the American Embassy in Budapest. If you are a library or school representative, they can send you free a CD ROM with numerous resources.
The Study Web is a fantastically rich site with a huge directory of resources on numerous topics including Hungarian History and Attila the Hun. Sites listed are reviewed and rated for visual content by staff before being posted. The Hungary Page received 4 apples! A great study or information resource that can be incorporated into your classroom!
Visit this link for a great piece of work by Gyula Lászlo on the Origins of the Hungarians. The full book will soon be released. The author argues on a two-wave Hungarian conquest and cites ancient texts from Arabic, Byzantine, Swiss and other sources. Fascinating reading. It is part of the subscription journal, "The Hungarian Quarterly." Other articles are listed as well.
HUNGARY: A Short History, by C. A. Macartney, Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford; Director of the Hungarian Section of the Foreign Office Research Department; and Professor of International Relations, University of Edinburgh. Though the name is "short" it is a quite extensive and excellent resource on Hungarian History and Trianon.
This is an excellent site with detailed essays on the History of Hungary by Stephen Pálffy, who resides in the UK. The authors writes about specific periods in Hungarian history from ancient times to the present. It is very neatly organized into historic periods.
Another excellent resource by István Lázár HUNGARY - A Brief History which takes us from the regions's pre-history through the author's lifetime.
See also the Trianon Adattár in Hungarian with trianon details, ethnographical maps and more.
The book, Origin of the Rumanians (Vlach Origin, Migration and Infiltration to Transylvania), by Endre Haraszti, is is now on-line courtesy of András Szeitz and offers an in-depth look at the foundation of the Daco-Roman Theory.
The Annotated Memoirs of Admiral Miklos Horthy, Regent of Hungary is a fascinating read about this controversial and often misunderstood figure.
For an in-depth look at the intrigue of the disasterous Treaty of Trianon see SUITORS AND SUPPLIANTS: The Little Nations at Versailles
The Hungarian Revolt, October 23-November 4, 1956 offers an excellent look at those brave and tragic days as does my site, 1956.
The Historical Text Archives at Mississippi State University is a comprehensive site for historical resources on Trianon and Hungary and includes some of the links above
Transylvanian Resources:

The renowned author and eloquent voice on Transylvanian autonomy, Count Albert Wass de Czege, supervised an excellent work, entitled Documented Facts and Figures on Transylvania. This work gives excellent detail on the TRUE origins of Transylvania and how Rumanians gained their foothold. See also his letter to Congress regarding the Cultural Genocide of Hungarians.
TransylvaniaNet - "not the legend, but the real story..." - is an interesting educational site on Transylvania with an objective source of information, detailed maps, history, current news and issues, discussion group, and links to other resources. This includes a link to ProTransylvania -a multiethnic political group seeking Autonomy for Transylvania.
Transylvania and the Theory of Daco-Roman-Rumanian Continuity is an excellent look at at this controversial theory.
Transylvania: The Roots of Ethnic Conflict
Witness to Cultural Genocide: First-Hand Reports on Rumania's Minority Policies Today
Genocide in Transylvania: Nation on the Death Row
István Lázár presents, Transylvania, A Short History
Transylvania on SlavWeb - provides many good resources, and includes the Rumanian version of history.
SEE MY "The Treaty of Trianon and the Dismemberment of Hungary" Page


01/22/04 11:00 PM

#14 RE: thepennyking #5

Excellent stuff pennyking. Your 1st format was best. The 2nd I'll have to sift and shorten for entry to the TL.
