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08/08/07 9:51 AM

#12781 RE: drenuf #12773

The IR person got back to me yesterday afternoon. He disclosed that there will be a new IR firm, he didn't give the name, but assured that they have a good record of spreading the word to a wide variety of investors, and have done alot of good for the companies they represented. We should know more about the new firm early next week.

I also asked about the current share price, and he said that this should remedy itself soon. He was careful not to give me direct advice whether it would for sure go up or not, but he was indirectly very positive, and confident on the direction in which the company is headed.

I asked about the financials and the future uplisting, he asured me that they were working on it. The company has a three year history, and in order to uplist they have to go back at least two years. If I understood correctly, he said it could take up to six monthes, there is no telling but it is being worked on.

He also stated that he has a past history of representing legitimate companies with solid plans, and that the companies he represented have all done very well. His firm belief in this company's future is one of the main reasons that he took this position.

My overall impression of this convesation was that even though the share price is way down, I feel real good about the future long term outlook. Everything about this company seems legit and on the up and up. There is no pinksheet scam going on here.