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01/21/04 1:18 PM

#23910 RE: rupert #23903

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01/21/04 2:29 PM

#23917 RE: rupert #23903

Let me just talk about our capability in general terms, Mark.
We currently are running our factory as a mix of 130-nanometer
both Athlon XP and next-generation hammer product. We --
if I -- at the risk of sounding somewhat simplistic here, it's kind
of like a knob that we're dialing, and as to how much of that
we want to be Athlon XP and how much we want to be
Hammer or Reented. We're basing the market with our
customer very carefully as to what they want and need and
planning this result from the beginning because we anticipate
the beginning of the 90-nanometer conversion to really give us
a big boost in our capability for particularly the K-8 hammer
architecture, but even at the 130-nanometer I want to make
sure it's clear that today, we have the capability of doing if we
wanted to, more than a million a quarter, well more than a
million a quarter. Significantly more than a million a quarter,
so we're throttling that based on our plans, which are, you know,
how to penetrate particular customer segments and accounts
and the expectation in the second half of the year, other things
will occur relative to software, where we will then be at
90-nanometers and be able to execute a little more leisurely
how many units we can produce.

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01/21/04 6:25 PM

#23943 RE: rupert #23903

On analysts' flash vs. CPU interest

Did I detect more interest from the analysts on flash operations rather than CP operations? Is it possible that now that AMD is clearly #1 in NOR flash production, it is seen in a different light versus Intel there?

Perhaps the analysts have never been able to take AMD seriously as a challenger to Intel in the microprocessor area, but they are now coming to the realization that the flash area is different. Maybe they'll start to see AMD as a viable company over the long run now, even if the mainstay flash unit has to drag along the microprocessor side. Just musing. Anyone get the same vibes?