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08/01/07 12:44 PM

#15903 RE: jakedogman1 #15902

Jake with all due respect, running a biotech in todays world is not as simple as you make it sound. It is very easy to criticize management from the sidelines, but please remember that you are not privy to the info that PPHM's BOD and management are. They have very little control of the share price short term(it's not like they can just create "great" trial results), but have taken the strategy of executing their business plan and waiting for ph 2's to build value for the company before cutting any large licensing deals. Their position remains, that if BAVI continues to produce results in trials similar to what was achieved in pre clinical studies, all this dilution won't matter at all, because this could truly be a huge medical achievement. With successful ph 2's, you will start to see the bidding wars begin, and the strategy is to piecemeal out BAVI for every indication possible, and license for as many different continents/countries as worldwide license deals here. Meanwhile Cotara will probably be the early revenue earner to continue to expand BAVI's potential(and no we will not need FDA approval to license out BAVI is parts of Asia).

The question this the right strategy, or do you cut your deals now, just in case both BAVI and COTARA do not deliver as anticipated??? History will answer that one for us!!

Meanwhile, the bottom end of the pipeline is continuing to be filled up with more than just 2C3(trials coming here as well). There is a Helluva lot going on in many different parts of the world, and things should be starting to come together here real soon....meanwhile we sit in the $.70's and wait.

Remember that we are not trying to get this thing to $1.50 or $2(although that would be nice in the short term...ha ha), but we are going for the fence...many many multiples of this.....we will just have to wait and see,..... or sell and get out here if you don't is your choice after all.


08/01/07 12:48 PM

#15904 RE: jakedogman1 #15902

Well jake if all the shareholders took your advice and forced management to sell the company, (ie a proxy vote). What kind of bargining position would that put the company in? A turn of events that you suggest would ONLY benefit a buyer of PPHM!

Is that who you and realist and terry represent? A greedy, sweaty, unethic buyer who is lusting after PPHM's Pipeline?

I think that might be the ticket!


08/01/07 2:25 PM

#15916 RE: jakedogman1 #15902

jake, did you gather all the info you could for the months leading up to and the finanlization of this latest financing and submit it to the SEC and NASDAQ? Multi year lows, short interest increasing by 100% months preceding and dropping by over 71% once the deal was done. One MM only dealing in PPHM stock for the months before the deal. (I've never heard of a MM only handling one stock.) I sent in my complaint suggesting illegal insider knowledge used by those in discussions to short the hell out of us and drive down the PPS .76 a share. 15% dilution and no filings. Remember the 15:59:42 trade that got us taken off the Russell? 1/5 of a second before the close is a litte too coincidental. A lot of info out there that should be brought to that attention of those whith authority. I'm not expecting anything from the SEC, but at least I sent in my complaint with whatever suspicious activity could gather.