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08/04/07 10:39 PM

#284 RE: NYBob #282

Elliott Wave Technology: The S&P Vibrating at Critical Mass
Posted on July 20, 2007


By Joseph Russo

Imo. Tia.
God Bless America

Gold & Silver - The Only Real Money Standard -

not paper, not electronic credits, not chips and
not polo-ticz fiatz or 666counterfeitz vs....

The old real dollar is the name of the official currency
in several countries, dependencies and other regions,
including Australia, Canada, the East Caribbean, Liberia,
Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore and the United States -

It is represented by the symbol $, placed before the dollar
amount (in French Canada, after) -

The dollar was also in use in Scotland -
during the 17th century, and there is a claim that -
it was invented at the University of St Andrews -

The name is related to the historic currencies Tolar,
in Bohemia, Thaler, in Germany and Daler, in Sweden.

The name thaler (from thal, valley) originally came
from the guldengroschen (great gulden, being of silver
but equal in value to a gold gulden) coins minted -
from the silver from a rich mine at St. Joachimstal
(St. Joachim's Valley) in Bohemia -
(now in the Czech Republic).

The name Spanish dollar was used for a Spanish silver coin,
the peso, an 8 real coin, which was widely circulated -
during the 18th century in the Spanish colonies -
in the New World -

The use of the Spanish dollar and the Maria Theresa thaler -
as legal tender for the early United States -
is the reason for the name of that nation's currency -

The word dollar was in use in the English language -
for the thaler for about 200 years prior to -
the American Revolution -

Spanish dollars, or pieces of eight as they were called,
were in circulation in the 13 colonies that became
the United States and legal tender in Virginia -

Bucky - corrupt disgraced - 666fiatzbanksterz-9/11shame -

icon url


08/10/07 1:25 AM

#289 RE: NYBob #282

NXG Gold now should be valued at $35,000+ ? -

I'd like to refer you to two interesting articles -

One shows some fascinating comparisons -
of the purchasing power of gold -
in 1430's Florence - claiming that gold now -
should be valued at $35,000+....
Go to:

The other is a 600-year chart showing silver -
historically vastly undervalued today....
Go to:

China threatens 'nuclear option' of dollar sales -
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Last Updated: 9:11am BST 08/08/2007

The Chinese government has begun a concerted campaign of economic
threats against the United States, hinting that it may liquidate
its vast holding of US treasuries if Washington imposes trade
sanctions to force a yuan revaluation.

Fistful of dollars - China threatens 'nuclear option' of dollar
Fistful of dollars - China's trade surplus reached $26.9bn in June

Two officials at leading Communist Party bodies have given
interviews in recent days warning - for the first time -
that Beijing may use its $1.33 trillion (£658bn) of foreign
reserves as a political weapon to counter pressure from
the US Congress.

For the full statement see -

fiatz money vs. Gold & Silver The Real Money -
to buy or not to buy PM's mining stocks -
History repeat itself -

we are generally unaware of the ravages of hyper-inflation -

Many people can recall the long lines at gas stations
(and much higher precious metals prices) during
the late 1970's and early 1980's -

Although those price increases were significant, they
were muted when compared with those of
the American Civil War -

Indeed, few Americans are aware that during that struggle within
this nation, the Southern States experienced a devastating
hyper-inflation rate of 5,000%.

Consequently, many nations outside the U.S. have faced
far worse battles against rapidly advancing prices.

The 20th century has recorded numerous examples of
runaway inflation.

If the 5,000% Civil War inflation rate was shocking,
prepare to be jolted further by the forthcoming
hyper-inflation statistics:

1. Germany 1920-1923 3.25 million percent
2. Russia 1921-1924 213 percent
3. Austria 1921-1922 134 percent
4. Poland 1922-1924 275 percent
5. Hungary 1922-1924 98 percent World War II
6. Greece 1943-1944 8.55 billion percent
7. Hungary 1945-1946 4.19 quintillion percent!!!

At a peak of 4.19 quintillion percent,
Hungary's 1946 hyper-inflation rate is startling
when compared to any of the statistics in the above list.

Just how large a number is 4.19 quintillion percent?
To shed some light on that figure,
image a 10 with 18 zeros: 10,000,000,000,000,000,000
(in Europe, 10 to the 30th.)

Now further imagine such a large number representing
the purchasing power of one small loaf of bread.

For a truly enlightening, yet chilling perspective
into the damaging affects of inflation, please read
the free text -
Fiat Money Inflation and France.

Hopefully the preceding list of inflation figures
will not create fear, but help to enlighten readers.

In order to protect much deserved nest eggs,
each individual must be given the appropriate knowledge
to prepare for what lies ahead.

However, many investors will ignore the dire warning
signals beckoning on the horizon.

How can one know the mind of individual investors,
in advance?

History has demonstrated throughout the centuries,
that great sweeping shifts in financial tides
always catch the masses off guard.

The answer to the statement: to buy or not to buy precious metals--is yes.

Technical analysis is suggesting that an incredible
shift is occurring within the trend of precious
metals prices.

The centuries long decline in metals prices appears
to have reached its conclusion and a new trend of
higher prices is emerging.

Fundamental analysis is revealing that the price
of Silver is recovering from a recent 100 year low
and is more than 500% less expensive than its
shinny cousin - Gold.

Additionally, the specter of higher commodities prices
and the potential for significant inflation is looming overhead,
like - 666 - the Sword of Damocles.

A chance to accumulate an asset at an 80% discount -
the event of the century - for your mission -

Do not let any volatility shake You out -
the more volatility the higher it will go -

the new trend waves will often be -
162% of the previous correction -

when the weak hands exhaust themselves -
we'll see the next waves up -


The Outstanding Public Debt as of 10 Aug 2007
at 05:03:55 AM GMT is:

Unless the United States gets all of its economic
house in order ? -

Gold will become the basic real money again -
(which Gold has been for 1000's of years)
and national currencies will only be money -
if backed by - Gold.

With the exception only of the periods of -

- The Great Gold Standard -

practically all governments of history -

have used their exclusive power to issue fiat money -

to defraud with totalitarian bureaucratic powers -
rob, plunder and to make slaves -
of most the people -

Investors and speculators will be looking for -
Got NXG GOLD PM's stock as a safe haven? -

Imo. Tia.
In God We Trust -
God Bless America -

Gold & Silver - The Only Real Money Standard =
not paper, not electronic credits, not chips and
not polo-ticz fiatz or 666counterfeitz -
Gold fair market valuation without -
666manipulationz fraudz -
IMO! -

Ex. more NXG Gold mining info....