>you cant loan yourself money in an attempt to avoid taxes. just ask the IRS<
What sense would it make to loan yourself money to avoid paying taxes? There are no taxes on the funds held in retirement accounts anyway.
You don't loan yourself money to avoid taxes, you loan yourself money to save paying 'interest' to someone else.
The tax exemption is a matter of law. The vast majority of citizens in this county had nothing to do with writing the laws, but do the best we can to abide by them.
Is it our fault if the lawmakers in this country provided for certain opportunities?
Is it more foolish to take advantage of them, or to accuse anyone that does of misconduct?
Throughout the history of this great country a large number of legislators had two things in common. They were attorneys and they were extremely wealthy.
They carefully crafted laws that provided for the both creation and protection of wealth in order to make and keep our country a properous nation, able to withstand the enemies that would do us harm.
I can think of several reasons that someone would show dismay at the citizens of America taking advantage of opportunities legally afforded them by the constitution and by the laws passed that guarantee them the right to pursue living the American dream of an abundant life.
None of those reasons shine a favorable light on those espousing them.