I'm not sure where you get the idea that they are adding wells with any great speed? Why do you think that?
This was from their last NR "The Company is currently completing the 16 well program in the Weesatche project. All 16 wells have been drilled and are in various stages of completion."
So, going by that comment, I'm not expecting very much for gas revenue again for this quarter. They have taken over a year to drill 16 wells, which is OK for such a small company, but they are not breaking land speed records for finishing and tying-in wells apparently, which obviously is the key for us and revenue and hopefully shareprice increase. In fact, we still haven't heard the results for the 15th well of the 16 they drilled.
So, hopefully they will pick up the pace on finishing and tying-in wells so that we can see an increase in revenue from NG sales.
I guess patience is the key here, but it is taking quite a while. Still holding.
What ever happened to that radio broadcast where the company was going to answer questions the people submitted?
Does the rate of finishing and tying-in wells justify the bonus that Fox will be getting? Thoughts?