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07/26/07 11:11 PM

#282113 RE: eaglesurvivor #282109

30 million illegals entered during the Bush administration? Gee, I've only seen estimates of 10-12 million total here now. What the hell, let's get the word out to all. For that matter, there's no reason we shouldn't be able to convince some legals to emigrate before Bush declares martial law, right?

incidentally, some here have posted that martial law will be imposed within 30 days. If it doesn't happen, will those people have the decency to admit they were WRONG. Just as Bush didn't reinstitute the draft right after he was reelectd, we didn't invade Afghanistan for a phantom oil pipeline that hasn't been built, etc. But don't let the fact that none of your predictions come true, stop any of you from predicting early and often. You might get lucky once.

And by all means, do your best to get congress to surrender in Iraq as soon as possible. Every day we delay, the closer we get to victory, and we can't have that, can we?