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07/26/07 11:19 PM

#22635 RE: mnbean #22629

my thoughts : All the bashing by vested interests could not shake this tree so far..I can tell you this..there are forces way above and way more forceful than us watching this play..the guys who paid 1 million dollar to RGNO to buy millions of shares a few months ago at a higher price are not stupid..they did their dd and bought into is the reason the float and o/s went up..I like the fact that they did 504 instead of toxic financing..RGNO is putting those dollars to good use according to the company..we should see the results soon..they got enough cash to start drilling once the forced pooling issues get settled with questar..that would add more to the production numbers..this is a real company..those who paid a million $ got a stake in the company and in the share price..most often these guys know how to run it up when the time comes..I have seen it all..when the little guy feels the pain and can't take it any more and panic sells his shares, that is the time they kick start the run..when I saw you screaming at 0.016 bid, which lasted only for a few mins, I was laughing..the vultures want exactly that kind of panic..either you panicked or tried to panic others is besides the point..they want panic..they want more shares..I am not giving mine..would you? there is no guarantees in pinkies..any thing could happen in the future..the question is where are we going from this 2 cent price? are we going down from here or going up from here? what is the risk? what is the reward? what is the risk-reward ratio? thats all I care about. I like the bet for a big bounce..yeah..I wish my cost basis is lower..I can't go back and cancel my initial buys..that why I am bringing down my cost basis..thats why I am making use of these firesale prices..
let me say this again..I am not singling you out..making a general statement here..If you think RGNO isn't real, sell the shares right now and move on..If you think this one is a scam, run like there is no tomorrow..Infact I suggest you sell at the bid if you are so one is stopping any one..pinkies are don't have the stomach for it, you have no reason to be in this stock or any other one with .PK in the end