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07/26/07 1:28 PM

#4 RE: overtheedge #3

Here's my view of tha mechanixxxx b-hind Knollz lil stock caperz here at OTRC/RTGI and now KKSV...

See he's got his lofloat stock tikka that no buddy buyz, b-cuz he duzent waste sharez paying promotaz. So thatz a good thing in a way b-cuz therez no buddy 2 cumm ova tha top.

What worxxxx for this plan iz tha switcho-changoz where he takes companies like Ostara and Rheologix "public"...

Thatz where tha biggest MULTI-BAGGZ have been payyd out... ON tha switcho-changoz... like whatz about 2 happen within hourz/dayz...

So say KKSV ceo AlFonzie stopz by urr Snow Cone Stand and sez "i'm gunna take this Snow Cone Stand public"... well tha first thing u do is frontload that stock from tha "inside",and thatz where I see these multi-baggg runz cumm from.

For an outsider trader, U just have 2 gitt in KKSV b4 AlFonzie makes hiz lil Powerpoint presentashun to tha new targitted "revenue-producing cumpanys", which could be within hourz ---> LIKE RIGHT NOW.

As AlFonzie makes his rounds tha insiderz he contacts r gunna start buyin up mo and mo of these scarce sharez based on they "inside information"... until Bud Fox gitz a phone call

A real momo opportunity wuz missed yesterday with KKSV under broker sell restrictions... with no gtc's just about $10k more volume would have 10-bagged it to .02/.03. Instead, with only $4k yesterday, sum nutbag whacked a $750 markit sell ova tha top 2 stop tha momo.

As it iz right now- that still leaves a small window of opportunity here in tha

/// L-O-A-D-I-N-G Z-O-N-E ///

with few sellaz(nun 2day), still prolly just take 2-3m shares 2 pop KKSV fo 10 bagzzz... and thatz even B4 THA UPCUMMING INSIDER BUYING on tha switcho-chango...

Sumtime ova tha next cupple weekz sumthin gunna break huge here at KKSV.... itz alreddy in tha worxxxx!! Then with tha thin float u turn on tha computer and see urr .005 sharez worth 7, 10, 15, 25 centz even!! Thatz been tha history of this stock... and history alwayz repeats!

It REALLY just duzent gitt any EZ-r!!

Itz time 2 gitt tha FREE MUNNY PARTY STARTED.. at KKSV.