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07/25/07 3:03 PM

#45946 RE: Renavatio #45938


We can agree to disagree then. I think Fraud is very evident and I'm not alone in this line of thinking. I also haven't jumped ship. I'm not going to rehash everything that is wrong with this stock. What's the point the post would only be deleted. I suppose I could get a new ID and post it, but again what's the point.

If you don't feel as though this company has been scamming that that is you opinion. As for the snake oil salesmen you mention I don't hold them accountable nearly as much as I do PA and RB.

Just remember I'm not the one that made all the unfilled promises in past pr's. That was Paul and Ron. While the snake oils salesmen ceretainly did a lot of cold calling to pump investors I don't believe he was an employee of the company at that time...I could very well be wrong on that.

BTW You are right. They can legally gag the TA and other such things. That's not fraud. However saying you aren't selling shares when you are is. Telling investors that the full capilatization structure will be made public very soon when it won', Also Ron has mad a lot of claims to people on the phone that were untrue. I can't prove it, but I know what I've personally been told. Of course they have the disclaimer at the bottom of every pr. This allows them to make HUGE claims and not follow through. However the SEC won't see it the same way.

The funny thing is the other mods defend PBLS all the while I know they are simply waiting to get out...BECAUSE they told me that.

So I get the boot for calling it like I see it an deveryone applauds. Now we people running the show praising PBLS when I know good and well they don't support this company.

So Ren I'm not taking offense to your post. I just want you to open your eyes a little. Everything is not all right in Kansas.

And lastly...Obviously the market agrees with at least a portion of what I'm saying since the price hasn't move on today's numbers. This company has dropped the ball big time. It will take a year or more to recover...or they will have to explain EVERYTHING they have done. Personally I don't think they will do this because if what I believe is true then they would be facing criminal charges.

BTW. I'll cross post this to RB just in case it's deleted.