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01/16/04 3:18 PM

#11578 RE: KVW #11574

I hold no truck with that theory of pinning a stock to the nearest options expiry price, FWIW.

I also want to say, having just scanned your note about Bush, that one paragraph lept out at me. When you said that because he's a Christian you think he has higher morals and wouldn't be likely to have an intern service him in the White House, it really seemed prejudicial to me. For one thing, Clinton also said he was a Christian, and so have many morally deficient people. I think people can be moral no matter what their religion or with no religion. I don't think Christians have a special handle on ethics or morality. So I just wanted to say that, hoping you'll think that through a little.



01/16/04 3:37 PM

#11587 RE: KVW #11574

Kevin, don't underestimate the market makers. They eat lunch together. Ride to work together. And have superior information.