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07/22/07 1:29 PM

#61143 RE: Brady #61142

Brady, even tho we no longer agree on the prospects of this company or even much of the past and motives of management, I have always had respect for you. Mostly now because although you state (periodically) your disbelief you don't attack and try to ram that down the boards throat. I would have no problem with all the negative posters if they kept it about the company and not about the posters. Didn't think their opinions were fact, just because they thought it. Didn't make so much stuff up out of thin air. If they reported what they believe have been the failings of the company, and why they believe that hasn't changed and so don't believe the company either has the tech, or can commercialize it to a sufficient degree. (I not so secretly have a love of run on sentences) If they posted such negative opinions even once a week .

If each of the posters had a once a week post about all the negatives they feel and why, any newbies would be protected because that would still be the majority post. If you don't believe this just count all the negative posts and eliminate them. Then think how few posts are left. If a post every week of so were on there any newbie coming to the board would find them.

The problem is multiple posts a day from multiple posters trying to ram their opinion down everyones throats.

I still believe Rim has the goods and isd doing the best they can to commercialize it. The problem is lack of money. Too much time and too much money (overhead and salaries) has been spent on raising money and too small a percentage of that has been spent on the tech. Now that is not necessarily all managements fault. The dot com bust and the subsequent reluctance of any investors to invest in such a venture, the lack of foresight for telcos to see that they were going to lose market share to cable companies, and failure to see that there would be a huge demand for the amount of broadband there is, and that DSl in any form could not meet that goal.

So, now there is a crises of sufficient broadband with sufficient range to keep from losing their market share (ie customers)

I am still surprised some gorilla hasn't swallowed us up. That is either due to there not being good tech for them to want to swallow up, or management has done a good job of protecting the company.

You see I am actually more aware of what the problems may be and the risks than most give me credit for. I am not stating that my opinion is 100% right. It is my opinion and I am willing to wait it out to see who is right.

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07/23/07 7:13 PM

#61164 RE: Brady #61142


That was an expensive beer. I lost my you know what and I did not even get a beer out of it.
