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07/21/07 12:53 PM

#14167 RE: VantEdge76 #14165

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Websters dictionary:
One entry found for tape.

Main Entry: 2tape
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): taped; tap·ing
transitive verb
1 : to fasten, tie, bind, cover, or support with tape
2 : to record on tape and especially magnetic tape <tape an interview>
intransitive verb : to record something on tape and especially magnetic tape
3 entries found for tap.
To select an entry, click on it.
tap[2,transitive verb]tap[3,verb]tapped out

Main Entry: 2tap
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): tapped; tap·ping
1 : to let out or cause to flow by piercing or by drawing a plug from the containing vessel <tap wine from a cask>
2 a : to pierce so as to let out or draw off a fluid <tap maple trees> b : to draw out, from, or upon <tap new sources of revenue> <the story taps powerful emotions>
3 : to cut in on (as a telephone or radio signal) to get information
4 : to form an internal screw thread in by means of a tap
5 : to get money from as a loan or gift
6 : to connect (a street gas or water main) with a local supply
- tap·per noun
- tap into : to make a strong or advantageous connection with <trying to tap into a new market>