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07/17/07 10:34 PM

#500 RE: EricM #498

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07/19/07 12:21 PM

#501 RE: EricM #498

The first “personal power plant.”
It’s now reality, not science fiction.
Stock trades at less than $3 today.
Expect jump of 275% or more
on this landmark technology!
Ken Coleman's Investment- Tracker subscribers are up 188.32% over the past 3 years. He is a former member of the Senate Select Committee on Federal Reserve Policy, and his show is syndicated nationally on TNN.

"I recognized the energy, semi- conductor, and other booms early on, and look how my subscribers profited:"

Hecla Mining Co. 1,108%
Coeur d'Alene 440 %
Xoma Ltd 124 %
Huaneng Power Int. 136 %
OmniVision Technologies 172 %
Newmont Mining 182 %
Pan American Silver Corp. 197 %
Dot Hill Systems Corp. 250 %
Kinross Gold Corp. 339 %
The Bombay Company, Inc. 504 %
Stryker Corp. 525 %
Talk America Holdings, Inc. 853 %
Octillion Corp. ?????

Mr. Coleman called gold's rise in 2002, as well as the dotcom buying mania from September 1999 to March 2000, and the subsequent meltdown. He also called the kick-off of the world's great bull market in 1982 in a book he wrote in 1981, the bond bull market of 1984, the dollar's plunge during 1984-87, and the rotational market of 1995-98.

Just by calling a local contractor, who sprays a thin film of nano-size solar cells on your home’s windows, you could get off the power grid forever.

You could have your own personal power plant, nearly invisible to the naked eye, yet one of the most important scientific advancements in the world today.

That’s what could be right around the corner. All because a major milestone was just reached: A working prototype of the nano-silicon photovoltaic power generator – the personal power plant – was just completed, propelling this technology one giant step closer to commercialization.

And propelling the company behind it toward stock gains that could be bigger than any you’ve ever pocketed. Gains of 275% could be just the beginning, and they could happen practically overnight.

One of my recent discoveries shot up 37% the day I recommended it... then went on to 165% gains in the next nine days.

Another pick only three months earlier gained 528% in 90 days. And one of my recommendations gave investors a whopping 3,500% in 17 months!

This is the solar revolution every investor’s been waiting for – a company that breaks the barriers that have held solar back till now.

More than a decade of research by some of the world’s most accomplished scientists are about to pay off for little Octillion Corp. (OCTL) and its investors.

Octillion has done what no others have – created solar cells so small that they can be applied as an ultra-thin film to glass, potentially making any window an efficient, clean home power plant. The process – and even the materials – are protected by over three dozen issued and pending patents.

There’s no doubt that solar power is our future – the most abundant, replenishable, natural energy in the world. With Octillion’s breakthrough, we now know how the future – the very near future, in fact – will look.

The alternatives don’t make sense: Oil and gas supplies, we all know, are dwindling fast.

Ethanol is nothing but an idea borne of desperation. By diverting billions of tons of corn to ethanol production, food prices are already skyrocketing. But even more important is ethanol’s unanticipated toxic pollution we’re just now learning about.

Nuclear? Uranium is already becoming scarce. And “clean” coal? There’s no such thing.

The basis of the breakthrough is Octillion’s invention of a method to create silicon nanoparticles of uniform size. That one breakthrough is the holy grail of solar power. It’s what sets Octillion apart from every other solar company.

It’s the reason that as of today, OCTL is the only solar investment that makes sense.

Just as Bill Gates owns the market for computer operating platforms with his Windows software, Octillion could own the process that allows silicon nanoparticles to convert solar energy to electricity.

What’s more, unlike traditional photovoltaic systems which rely on bulk quantities of raw materials, or use synthetics and metals which can be potentially harmful to health and environment, Octillion’s process uses silicon, a toxicologically inert substance, and the world’s most abundant, naturally-occurring element, second only to oxygen.

Let me sum up the science that could make Octillion a household name in a few short years, giving you unimaginable profits….

Nano-silicon photovoltaic film:
Remember that term, because it could be your ticket to wealth.

You already use solar power every day, in calculators, watches, and even emergency highway phones. More powerful and tremendously more expensive solar cells have been powering satellites for years.

And some environmentally conscious homeowners spring for expensive but inefficient home solar power systems because they want to do the right thing environmentally. But cost and lack of efficiency have kept solar out of the mainstream energy market.

Standard solar conversion efficiency is only about 15%. That means only 15% of the sun’s energy could be harnessed.

As a comparison, coal is 45% efficient, and fuel oil and natural gas are about 70-80% efficient.

Octillion’s revolutionary and proprietary spray-on solar generator has achieved quantum efficiency that is 50-60%, which is comparable to or greater than alternative methods. In comparison, porous silicon is only 1% efficient.

The reason is because the collaborating scientists discovered a way to manufacture uniform silicon nanoparticles – silicon nanoparticles that are smaller than any others ever created. And with some incredibly unique properties.

Tinkering with the basic materials used to create solar cells, they split silicon wafers into some of the tiniest particles ever made.

And that’s when they saw something extraordinary: When silicon particles are split and then split again and then again until they’re too small to see with the naked eye, they take on completely new properties.

When hit by light they produce an electrical charge.

You see, normally the energy solar cells absorb from the sun is dissipated as heat. That’s why solar has not been efficient until now.

These scientists were able to separate the positive and negative charges from those micro-particles, and then recombine them to create an electric charge.

And then, amazingly, they have invented a way to literally turn the particles into a spray that can be applied to glass – like the windows in your home – and generate power.

The developmental prototype is complete. And it works. Which is why OCTL is giving…

One of the strongest “buy” signals I’ve ever seen.

My name is Ken Coleman. As editor of The Investment Tracker one of my specialties is finding new profit opportunities.

I was one of the first to see the potential in a little company called Ultra Petroleum. Led by industry insiders, the company had prime properties and hit just as the energy market started to explode. That stock shot up a staggering 4,000% for my subscribers.

The key to gains that big, I don’t need to tell you, is to get in early and hold on!

Another company I discovered that no one had heard of is True Religion. Luxury apparel isn't typically something I recommend, but this one fit all my criteria -- top industry insider, market segment that's starting to boom, unique product.

In less than three years TRLG gained 1,300%. Today the stock is up more than 10,000% from its beginnings just four years ago!

Get in early on just one stock, and you could make millions.

Am I putting Octillion in that league? You bet they have the potential!

OCTL could potentially give you short term gains of 275% or more as the technology progresses, moving closer to commercialization.

Then once the product is commercialized the sky’s the limit. 1,200%, 3,000%, 5,000% -- who can say how high such a breakthrough can take the company?

If a “personal, spray-on power plant” sounds hard to imagine, just compare it to the personal computer explosion.

In 1977 few people – and even few investors – envisioned a day when nearly every home would have a computer.

Even as recently as 1988 few investors envisioned what was ahead for Dell. But if you had invested just $10,000 in Dell in 1990 you’d be up 60,000% today – and worth $6,000,000 on that one buy alone!

Few investors even know of Octillion today, let alone understand the potential of its historic invention.

But don’t let the future sneak up on you. Reach out and grab early profits whenever you can – and so consider adding OCTL to your portfolio while the stock is still under $3.

Simply put, applied to any window, Octillion’s spray-on solar cells harness the sun’s energy and convert it to electricity.

Windows remain transparent and allow sunlight to filter through.
It’s an idea so simple that many have thought of it…but until now no one has been able to figure out how to do it!

In my research I didn’t find anyone else that even comes close to matching this breakthrough – a breakthrough that could mean billions of dollars in annual sales to the company that controls the technology. And millions for early investors like you.

Right now the stock trades at less than $3. But I’m recommending that you consider buying OCTL today, because it won’t be $3 for long.

Gains of 2,300% in 17 months, 3,500% in 12 months

Not many people have heard of Octillion. I only know about it because I follow the entrepreneur whose other stocks have done so well for their investors.

One of those companies, a biotech, gave its investors 2,300% in 17 months. The other brought investors a whopping 3,500% in 12 months.

Now he’s leading OCTL, bringing the world this new technology that’s developed by a team of elite research scientists.

So elite that they've also worked at Oak Ridge National Laboratories, NASA, Yale, and the University of Illinois. Research scientists like these are the ones who always lead the way into new frontiers of innovation and invention.

Octillion’s uniform silicon nanoparticles could make solar efficient enough to sweep into the mainstream practically overnight (and make you a fortune practically overnight)

Octillion is on the front lines of energy with a technology so new that you can't read about it on Wikipedia. You can't Google it. You can't buy it at Home Depot. Yet.

But you can invest in it, and I recommend that you strongly consider it.

The Microsoft model of success.

The California Public Utilities Commission is mandating that one million homes be wired for solar in the next four years. That’s a market of around $38 billion! And that’s just for one state.

The photovoltaics industry has grown 20% a year – for the past 20 years! And in the past five years growth has soared to 30% a year.

Yet most solar companies haven’t met their potential. Why? Because they couldn’t produce a product that is efficient. That has been the missing link. Now, with Octillion’s already-working developmental model that dramatically increases conversion efficiency, solar’s set to explode.

And Octillion doesn’t even need to ramp up sales and production. They can license the technology and not make a thing, in which case glassmakers, building contractors, even painting contractors could be their market.

Microsoft had a pretty good idea to make sure that every computer needed the Windows operating platform. Octillion could use the same business model, selling the rights to use this technology instead of having to invest in manufacturing plants, sales forces, and all the overhead that go with them.

I’m projecting potential gains of 275% in just 12 months.

Maybe less than 12 months, but I want to be conservative. (And of course, I can't promise the stock will gain at all - there's always a risk in stock investing, and speculative stocks are always more risky.)

If you're comfortable investing in speculative stocks, which carry more risk but potentially much greater reward, I recommend that you put a small percentage of your portfolio in OCTL and hold on to it.

The science for “personal power plants” has arrived

The science for "personal power plants" that can literally be sprayed on your home’s windows could be right around the corner.

Before long you could be looking out your window, barely aware that the window is gathering up the sun's protons and converting them to energy that's powering your toaster, your TV, your lights, or your computer.

Tiny particles, a billionth of a meter in size. Imagine a strand of hair, divided by 100,000. And yet these particles have been manipulated by scientists and made to actually emit light. And there they are, on your window, powering the electronics in your home.

It may be hard to imagine, but the science is a reality. And it's protected by a volume of patents preventing anyone else from using the technology without paying for it.

OCTL could skyrocket 275%

If you invest in speculative stocks, I'm recommending OCTL as your number one investment.

Like the other companies OCTL's brilliant venture capitalist backed, which gave their investors 2,300% in 17 months and 3,500% in 12 months, I expect OCTL to skyrocket in no time.

You don't want to look back in six months and say, "If only I had bought OCTL when it was under $3.00." So consider OCTL today!

Here's to your successful investing!


Ken Coleman
Publisher & Editor, The Investment-Tracker

P.S. One of my recent discoveries shot up 37% the day I recommended it... and then on to 165% gains in the next nine days. Another pick only three months earlier gained 528% in 90 days. And one of my recommendations gave investors a whopping 3,500% in 17 months. Don’t let OCTL profits pass you by.

Octillion Corp. (OCTL)
Disclaimer: Kenneth Coleman's Investment Tracker is an independent paid circulation newsletter. This online report is an advertisement for subscriptions. The Investment Tracker received 6,250 dollars with respect to the writing of this special report from Octillion Corp. ("Octillion" or "Company), however, the Investment Tracker expects to generate new subscriber revenue, the amount of which is unknown at this time, to its newsletter through the distribution of this special report. Compensation in the amount of 15,000 dollars was paid for by Octillion Corp. (“Octillion” or “Company”) as an effort to build investor awareness for Octillion. This publication does not provide an analysis of a company's financial position and is not an offer to buy or sell securities. Octillion's financial position and all information should be verified with the company. Octillion currently has no commercial products intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. Information about publicly listed companies, including Octillion, and other investor resources can be found at the Securities & Exchange Commission website Investing in securities is speculative and carries a high degree of risk. It is recommended any investment in any security should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company. Octillion Corp., its employees and affiliates and Kenneth Coleman and the Investment Tracker are not investment advisors and are not affiliated with each other, either directly or indirectly. The Investment Tracker presents information in this report believed to be reliable, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The information contained herein contains forward-looking statements and information within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1993 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including statements regarding expected continual growth of the featured company. In accordance with safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, the statements contained herein that look forward in time, which include other than historical information, involve risks and uncertainties that may affect actual results of operations. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, but are not limited to, adverse economic conditions, intense competition, lack of meaningful research results, inadequate capital, termination of contracts or agreements, adverse publicity and news coverage, inability to carry out research, development and commercialization plans, loss or retirement of key executives and research scientists, and other specific risks detailed in Octillion's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form 10-KSB and 10-QSB. These reports and filings may be inspected and copied at the Public Reference Room maintained by the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, goals, assumptions or future events or performance may be forward-looking statements. Projected statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated. Projected may be identified through the use of words such as expects, will, anticipates, estimates, believes, or by statements indicating certain actions may, could, should or might occur. The Investment Tracker makes no commitment to publicly release the results of any revisions to these projected statements that may be made to reflect the events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

Octillion Corp. (OCTL)

Octillion Corp. (OCTL)

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