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07/17/07 11:34 AM

#279178 RE: SharonB #279175

I don't know how much you understand about the economy but very high deficit spending is injecting big amounts of cash into our economy in the short term. All is well for some people but we have real structural problems. Debt service is the third highest budget item and growing very fast. Medicare needs to be dealt with before social security. The tax cut was abject stupidity and we paid dearly in having to finance the wars through increased selling of treasury to China and Japan. Imagine if China stops buying our paper - no let's not because shrub has gotten our country into terrible shape for the future.

Our military has some real problems, our economy in case you don't realize it is not in great shape because the average worker's wages has not kept up with inflation.

As for the democrats going ultra left I don't see it. I think the social conservatives have high jacked the Republican Party where there use to be proud moderates like Rockefeller. What we have left in the Republican Party is a conglomeration of religious whack jobs, social conservatives, bigots, fascists, and neo-cons that have no understanding of what it takes to have a functioning society.

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07/17/07 11:56 AM

#279181 RE: SharonB #279175

(EDIT, in bold) holey cow, you're a real piece of work! You need to go where there's no socialism too.

holey're surely looking through some tainted and tinted glass.

take your self to your local bankruptcy court
and drink a dose of reality!

JOY, JOY, yeah, hooray,
the economy is doing better than OK!
(pigpoop and you know it)
Barbra Streisand in "Hello Dolly"

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07/17/07 12:18 PM

#279186 RE: SharonB #279175

"I don't believe there has been such a change in the right wing sector..." - Are you suggesting the Repub party has not been taken over by extreme religious right wingers? The right wing religious gang have worked very hard and donated heavily in an effort to take over and would be disappointed to hear you say they haven't reached their goal; just about everyone else agrees they have - including poor John McCain who felt it necessary to travel to Lynchburg, VA to kiss the ring of Jerry Falwell.
Unfortunately for the Repub party, they will pay a very high price in future elections for the Decider Commander Guy/Karl Rove short-sighted scheme for power. I'm sure you have noticed Repub candidates for 2008 DO NOT use this president's name when speaking/debating but prefer to reach back and refer to Ronald Reagan - the real darling of the Repub party.