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07/17/07 7:11 AM

#512 RE: grnsurfer #507

Well grnsurfer, I'm very sorry to inform you - it did happen - exactly as I described it. They did have babes out on Wall Street passing out the brochure - that is how I got it.

By your very statement of how absurd such a stunt is, and that no company would ever include such a tactic in their promotion, is exactly why you should get real here. This company did in fact do that. Next time - I'll be sure to be carrying around my video camera. For now, being that I have real first hand information about what happened, and you don't, I'd say that my words carry just a bit more weight than yours. You say it didn't happen - you are lying - simple as that.

Why would I advise folks to go read the SEC filings? Look at how the founders were issued all their shares for $6420 only two years ago and somehow it's magically worth $100 million today. That is not someone pumping the stock or posting hype or lies - those are facts my friend.