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01/14/04 11:37 PM

#34298 RE: Koikaze #34262

Msg Replied To: "...but look at the bright side"

But gotmilk thinks the un-bright side is best looked at
when there are problems simply for the fact that that
is the side where problems originate from :o) ...
............ hopefully my just typed in ................... ^ :o)
obtained a thinking process to determine if it was
done as "laughing at fools" or "telling people that they
are dummies trying to un-do a problem when time is
best spent to understand why the problem was possible
as in "before you spend time to stop the bleeding,
its best that you first determine if there is a sharp object
still present that will continue to cut you and cause more
and more bleeding such that eventually the water pouring
into the boat exceeds the amount you can bail out."

BobZ has this line he has been using for months now...
(something like)
"I know the Windows environment, not the Linus,
so I'am able to pump out the needed code faster."
Imagine a gotmilked approach.
First the RagingBull mess will be around until the pile of dung
it creates will bury it completely. Thus, there was no need
for iHub to allow a quick large exit of Raging Bull members
to expand iHub like a pig having a weight & size proper for
the legs to carry to gain mass such that emergency measures
to keep this growned too large for its support system from falling.
From the 1. above, using the info that iHub will experience
an hoped for, but unexpected realization that its really to happen,
fact of expanding in an explosion of growth from Raging Bull's
stuck in the mud created from its own dung'n, that iHub has
enough months to prepare better for a super growth rather
than try and have a pig eat it all now rather than replace a pig
to absorb stuff with a better suited pig experience has shown
to be better able to win the Cony Island Hotdog Eat'n Contest.
A better way to explain 1. above is that BobZ is doing:
"I don't have enough time to do it right the first time,
but later I will be forced to spend the time doing it right,
after the first effort fails."
Guess I'am saying two things should have happened:
Don't grow iHub using the RagingBull exodus until a
functional copy of a New & Improved iHub web site
is created using more proven harware AND software
that has been showned to handle AND not fail 24/7/365.
That means iHub's membership is prevented to have the
type of growth it now have accomplished is not accurate,
as it would only have been delayed.
All those "high(s)" Sheriff Matt had like bing on drugs
when iHub's posting volume etc hit new hights were like
a Chevy Mustang without being modified for the track
approaching high speeds like 95+mph...
Posted by: IH Admin [Matt]
... just baffled.
... even been talking to "gurus"
... everybody points in a different direction.[stop.]
(ok, time for another short true story)
Microsoft can't Walk their Talk on having the best of the best
programmers making Windows stuff because while they will
for sure want and keep the best developers on payroll,
they have fired some of the best QA(Quality Assurance)
programmers because they found too many errors in the
software made by the developers making deadline dates.
This is 99% in the stress testing arena, not functionality.
A Fatal Error(Blue Screen?) obtained on stress testing
is both hard to duplicate, and harder to identify the bug
and hard to fix it and hard if fixed, to determine what the
fix will do to other code, as in break it. These folks identify
really real BAD bugs that the develops are prevented from
having submitted as bug reports through the firing of those
best of the best stress testing QA guys. When these bugs
are hit upon by customers... "Your hardware has a bug."
is the answer since they have not the QA department to
handle such "too hard" bugs.
"We're trying everything."
We're keeping the Windows since we are still in the phase
of: "Not having the time to do it right the first time."

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01/14/04 11:54 PM

#34301 RE: Koikaze #34262

My apology for the extra poor English grammer in prior post
that I just posted. Also, knowing that BobZ's defences will
very quickly and strong spring up after reading my post,
hopefully Bob will realize that its just info to be absorbed
or dumped without any personal attack contained within.
... plus I'am still doing a WAG that the hardware is flaky
becuase of a heat buildup somewhere in the hardware
that has itself isolated from the flow of the fan's currents.
But then I already posted that in a recent post that was ignored
by both Bob & Matt, as a simple "what if" lets try extra fans
to see if the problem by majac disappears.
But then Matt was clue me in that the bug happens when iHub
is at a low usage, thus less heat generated.
Yes, but low usage and less heat means the fans rpm lower,
and that changes the flow of air "paths" aka turblance things.
So, simple answers ain't real answers.