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07/14/07 6:19 PM

#224 RE: mick #220

I think I have sevela shipps coming in mick have a bunch of old qprc shares, imjx is coming in people just don't know it od believe it yet , sgls charting up maybe the .15 bag holders will get there money this year or more.

cgpa is charting up I never got back in was going to I held it for years at a time never lost money on it.

butl is going to go up all my old picks are going to go up , i didn't get back butler international either , they share holdes are up in arms, but it looks turn around

SGLS week next week I be makes a big move up, I have some of it

imjx in the next 2 weeks may start its move, tha one be fun also

qprc , don't know when I have owned it since 2000, never wrote it off

imjx ya I'm a bag holder but I get to see the shorts get beat up soon , love to see it 4-500 million short on that one, I think they played it short the other day its been on the list fo a long time over at buyins, not that I trust buyins , but I did have mebership there.

sgls has about 54 million shares short, if that one get a million a day volume or more the mms on the upper end will fall like a rock I'm pretty sure , sgls was bad mouthed for ever but is picking up it maybe a most popular one again, I think the shorts start falling maybe next week on tha one if it can get 1 million or more vol a day.