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07/14/07 8:46 AM

#155 RE: investwise4858 #154

investwise4858..that really was a close call..I'm glad for you that the outcome is a positive best to you and yours..


07/14/07 9:18 AM

#156 RE: investwise4858 #154

Good morning Invest,

There are no words that would cover my thoughts after reading this except maybe that your son has so very much left in life to experience and God knew this . . .

Take care


07/14/07 10:02 AM

#157 RE: investwise4858 #154

our thoughts and prayers are with and your family buddy.

was born2win

07/14/07 12:14 PM

#158 RE: investwise4858 #154

Amazing! I watched the video and am so happy for your son that he is getting better.

Good luck to you and your family.



07/14/07 1:03 PM

#159 RE: investwise4858 #154

I wish you and your family all the best.


07/14/07 5:29 PM

#160 RE: investwise4858 #154

investwise, I am very glad that to see it looks like things will work out for your son and his friend.

all the best to you and your family,



07/15/07 8:50 AM

#163 RE: investwise4858 #154

I wish you and your family all the best in the future.


07/15/07 11:20 AM

#164 RE: investwise4858 #154

As a father of three, I can only imagine both the anguish and relief you have experienced in the past few days, and extend my heartfelt wishes to your son for a complete and rapid recovery.


07/15/07 10:59 PM

#168 RE: investwise4858 #154

InvestWise, my thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you. You have been kind and helpful to many many people on this board. With a person like you its natural to reciprocate kindness. I hope for a full recovery for both your friend and son.

Best Regards,


07/16/07 9:32 AM

#169 RE: investwise4858 #154

My thoughts and prayers are with you now brother. I hope he has a rapid and speedy recovery


07/16/07 9:52 PM

#201 RE: investwise4858 #154


I just came to this board and just read about your son's and his friend's condition. I am so sorry I didn't know it earlier and said something. I wish your son and his friend a healthful recovery. God does do miraculous things for the people that He loves. God must have been there all along when the terrible incident happened. Keep in touch with your son's healthy recovery and here's Gods words to comfort you and your son and his friend:

(3 John 1:2 NIV) Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.

"In short, there is no magic cure for a person in pain. Mainly, such a person needs love, for love instinctively detects what is needed" -----Philip Yancey

Investwise, I really like you as we got to know each other from the first day in AECH and onward and would like to leave the following words from Romans as to how I feel when I read about that accident and in the future when everything will be all right:

"Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep"
(Romans 12:15)