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07/12/07 10:29 AM

#7229 RE: cutterscnr #7221

So, UBS thinks that in 2 years MRVL will do .82 or better. Just think about that and do the math.

That would all but guarantee you a double on the stock from here. MRVL has a habit of growing faster than anyone thinks. Especially if that combo GPS/XSCALE/WIFI chip comes out for RIMM.

But NOW do you see the potential in those Jan 09 $10 calls????

If MRVL runs to $35 over the next 2 years, which if UBS's numbers are correct absolutely WILL happen, then those Jan 09 $10 calls even if you bought them at $10 or so would better than TRIPLE your money.

AND! You can short calls against them each month along the way as a calander spread which if you do it right, will pay off those calls in that time making the net profit you end up with if you hold them the whole time FREE MONEY!

Ah!, the power of options!


(BTW - so UBS says a few months back that flash is going to kill MRVL, and now they say HDD is ramping up big and will be a huge growth driver for them? Do you guys see first hand now why I always say what assholes these clowns are??????)


07/12/07 11:38 AM

#7236 RE: cutterscnr #7221

"MRVL's ability to integrate several processors' functionally into one chip should help the company gain new customers as is evidenced by the winning of Apple's iPhone", UBS said.

This dovetails well with my research. MRVL story is about pending major product upgrade cycles. Don't miss the wave.

Think $50 MRVL content per iPhone II times 15 MM units/yr at high GM. The only thing that weighs down this stock is HDD biz which is now turining corner due to 2H seasonality. Look for STX forward guidance in ER CC next week.

DOn't forget that MRVL has huge design wins in flash controllers, Flash cache ITM/Robson as well to supplement HDD biz.