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Replies to post #298 on NEW EDIG

Replies to #298 on NEW EDIG


01/12/04 11:02 AM

#299 RE: cksla #298

CES report from EDIGlong
From EDIGlong
PostID 305897 On Sunday, January 11, 2004 (EST) at 10:49:40 PM


Subject: The shock and awe
From EDIGlong
PostID 305772 On Sunday, January 11, 2004 (EST) at 3:08:12 PM


The shock and awe of experiencing a ride in Sunpoop's car have stabilized although there may be flashbacks from time to time.

Sunpoop picked me up a t the airport and we made our way to the CES and were in the door as it opened. After walking around a bit we found the TI booth which was near the front entrance of the Central hall.
The Odyssey was displayed in a case along with the Alaska Airlines IFE DigEplayer. I will post pictures later.
The booth consisted of 3 large sections and in the middle of the third section was a table set up to display EDIG products.
Walter Pfeffer, who is the customer Tech Support Test Supervisor was there to explain and demonstrate the new Idiom Video player and a Gateway DMP-X20

More on the Idiom player and Eclipse in a later post.

As we were listening to Walter describe the player we turned around and there was Fred.
Sunpoop has known Fred and many of the main players of EDIG for many years he was able to initiate a very interesting conversation with our CEO.
Mr. Faulk was looking for someone who was supposed to meet with him and he informed us that he had to leave in abut 3 minutes so not wasting another second we began an interview process that continued on for at least an hour.
The person that Fred was to meet was found later to have waited at the wrong booth. Fred ready to leave at a moments notice when this other person showed up but there was a lot of noise, many people and the meeting just didn't materialize.

So not to waste Fred's time we continued our interview.

We asked if there were going to be any further announcements and he explained that there are projects in the works and negotiations were about complete but they were not going to be completed until all the I's were dotted and T's crossed. He was very pleased with the meetings he, Atul, and Steve Ferguson were having and expects great things but cannot publicly announce anything that would jeopardize negotiations.
JoJo and Steve Ferguson will be working on Pr's to be announced at the proper time.
They are working with project managers and decision makers so the new projects are not based on wish lists. Future announcements will be based on completed negotiations.

We asked if we were involved with PortalPlayer and was confirmed and again later by Atul.
Because of a massive effort to get Gateway and our IFE device we did not have time to work with HP but now that our major projects are complete we are ready to bring on many new projects based on the successful completion of the Gateway player and IFE device. Some of the new projects could result in very large deals being made in other industries.
No numbers or names were ever given.
He did say that we would smile if we saw the numbers he was talking about.

All of our new contracts will be dependent on the benefits to EDIG and production costs will be borne by our new partners.
Many new devices will be developed by Cornice using chip sets designed by Texas instruments. The combination of chips and Cornice drive in conjunction with EDIG technology will result in a device that uses few chips and will be very price competitive.

We work with DivX in that we develop products that use DivX and we use EDIG technology to secure the content.

When asked how he feels about EDIG on a scale of 1 to ten he said that he felt that we were a "9".

The meeting broke off when the missing person finally showed up. The crowd was much too large to just randomly wander about and try to find someone. The best Fred could have done is exactly what he did and that was to stay in one place.

I am very proud to be invested in this company. The management, engineers and staff are very dedicated to the success of the company and lessons learned over the past years are about to pay off.

Ill have more to write as I post pictures.
Ittian Picture


01/12/04 2:59 PM

#300 RE: cksla #298

From sunpoop
PostID 305629 On Saturday, January 10, 2004 (EST) at 9:50:42 PM


Sentinal states, ''no offense to sunpoop but its all hearsay until it becomes official'' Hearsay, Hearsay???? Talking directly to the man that is doing it all, who KNOWS it all, so close I probably gave HIM the flu and sentinal calls an answer to direct questions by me to FF ''On a scale of 1 to 10 how far along are the negotions with this ''huge'' OEM'' and his answer to me was a confident ''9''. I then asked him how sure was he that this would come to fruition and he replied ''positive'' THAT IS HEARSAY ?????????????????

AND CASSANDRA..... can that person take a statement of fact and spin it completely 180 degrees....ihub post 58182

She states ''Falk kept a potential customer waiting for an hour talking to sunpoop and Dinkie??? THAT IS ABSOLUTE FALSE READING OF MY POST... FF was constantly looking around for his appointment. He kept looking at his watch wondering where the guy was...Steve Ferguson dropped by twice asking FF where the guy was?? He didn't know either. If cASSandra thinks for a moment he wouldn't have broken off our conversation if the gentelman had arrived she is showing less intelligence than even all of know she has..The conversation ended when Steve Ferguson tapped FF on the shoulder and pointed to him standing in the next booth. FF IMMEDIATELY LEFT... It turns out FF's appointment was mistaken as to where he was to meet FF...HIS FAULT..

cASSandra: why did sp and dinkie keep him ''cornered'' if he told them he only had 3 minutes??? What a crock of crap..
FF's appointment was to meet him in the exact spot we were standing, TI's booth, NOT THE ONE NEXT TO she implies.

She also asks ''did FF give proprietary info'' He gave us no names, no time schedule but an area of business and on a scale that we have not been told of or even hinted at. If I were to tell you what he said now it would set off an avalanche of posts and questions and other communications to not only FF but to other people. Not smart.....In fact FF knew he spoke out of turn when he said to both of us, Dinkie can confirm this, ''Please do not take any action on this, I wouldn't want to be responsible if anything goes awry''...meaning don't jump into the stock market on what I just said....I assured him I would not.....

She also alludes to ''turning away business''. We were told that at the SHM...EDig has no room for any ''start up projects'' especially those that are brand new with no relationship to the platforms we have currently perfected. We are concentrating on those....We have put all those on the back burner. In fact in a direct question by me to FF about why we weren't in the HP player he stated, exact words, ''We have had discussions with HP on that subject and were given time frames by HP that we could not meet. We were right in the middle of the Gateway project with everyone at EDig working on it. They had given us a time frame also that we had to meet'' We had to say no to HP but we still have MULTIPLE projects underway with HP''
We also are turning away any business that does not meet our criterea of being a ''HOMERUN'' We have perfected platforms that we can ramp up to a customers needs quickly without reinventing the wheel.

As far as the ITTIAM, Walter is the source of info for that one. It was prominately displayed and Walter practically took it apart showing Dinkie what it was...He was at the showcase of the product the entire time and not only talked to us about it but was showcasing it to anyone that came by. That was what he was there for...He certainly was not talking about someone elses product. The info was from Walter and we DID NOT ASK FF about it, we simply got into other areas so quickly and deeply that we forgot...My fault. This is the Divx/TI conection....

Would someone who is still able (I have been personna non gratta for a long while on that board) post this as a reply to her misinterpertations at the least and outright deliberate obfuscations of what I said....
