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Professor MD

07/10/07 11:44 AM

#45287 RE: kpf #45282

Dear kpf RE: “The lenders are a consortium of bankers - not governmental or other public entities. Very easy to find in the filings, they are all named right on top of the loan agreements.

Wrt AMDs prospections: You gotta catch the cat before you can skin it. ;-9

Now go may go on fun spinning fiction. Have fun with it - i won't disturb it any further. :-)”

I am please to learn that the STATE OF SAXONY is a bank. Please read the text below the top of one agreement. The SEC SUBMISSION lists several agreements.

Please forgive me for getting carried away with “having fun”. We are dealing with a very painful situation. Many investors are getting hurt.

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07/10/07 3:40 PM

#45310 RE: kpf #45282

The lenders are a consortium of bankers - not governmental or other public entities. Very easy to find in the filings, they are all named right on top of the loan agreements.
According to its 10-K, AMD is locked into a high-cost manufacturing location in Germany, where default on loan arrangements (called the "Dresden Loan Agreements" in the 10-K) appears inevitable. AMD (via its subsidiary AMD Saxony) secured a series of grants, subsidies and loan guarantees in recent years from the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Saxony in order to get AMD to construct a fabrication plant in Saxony. (It won't be fully equipped until the end of 2005.)
The Fab36 will cost about $2.4 billion in total. AMD gets $1.5 billion as help, which is $500 million as subsidies, grants, etc, $700 million is a loan and remaining $300 as an equity from 2 partners - Saxony and some European investors. The rest $900 million are expected to come from AMD itself.
AMD Picks Dresden for New Chip Factory The new plant, which will produce state-of-the-art microprocessors, represents an investment of more than € 2.5 billion. It constitutes the third largest single investment in eastern Germany since unification in 1990. € 700 million of the project is to be covered by government loan guarantees. AMD is also expected to receive generous grants from Saxony's state government, which is eager to create more jobs for its highly skilled work force.
AMD had already announced investments of $2.4 billion to expand Fab 36. The latest investment, to be made over three years, is in addition to that, bringing the total close to $5 billion. Some of the money is provided in grants from the German government and the German state of Saxony.
Intel sees improving outlook; AMD plans plant in Germany, by Clark & Fuscaldo, WSJ, B4.
...Advanced Micro Devices Inc. [AMD - not to be confused with 'WMDs'] said it will build a $2.4B manufacturing plant...which will begin operation in 2006..\..near its [existing] factory in Dresden, Germany.... AMD selected Dresden, where it expects to create 1,000 jobs, partly because of about $1.5B in financial assistance.... That includes $500m in grants and allowances from the federal and local government, $320m in equity funding from the German state of Saxony and private investors, and $700m in loans, with 80% of those backed by government guarantees.
...The state of New York offered attractive incentives, but the proximity to AMD's [existing] plant in Dresden was an overwhelming advantage....
[Pa-thet-ick! Once humanity quits straining to counter all the worksaving technology with fixed-workweek makework and just switches to worksharing with self-adjusting workweeks, we can LOSE the bulk of our costly and inefficient governments - and deficits and taxes - all awastin' on charity for the rich, who are already spending all they care to.