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07/09/07 11:53 PM

#101495 RE: tryoty #101494

try, if you read the reports of Chevron, Exxon and Anadarko they are all well represented in the GOG and other West African ocean areas.

Geography lesson: the JDZ does not equal the GOG.


07/09/07 11:55 PM

#101496 RE: tryoty #101494

Sounds as if someone might need a hug, but as they told us in the MC, sympathy is found in the dictionary between s--- and s---. LOL


07/10/07 12:02 AM

#101497 RE: tryoty #101494

tryoty; Take A Couple Of Valerian Root Or Kava Kava Capsules (ie Chill Pills)
lovemelongtime lol :0


07/10/07 12:05 AM

#101498 RE: tryoty #101494

Not to worry. That sceinario is highly unlikely regardless if the US gets any GOG oil or not.
There are projects all over the world. The US has a big presence off the coast of Africa. Many foreign contries do also but allot of that is sold on the open market so thats not an issue.
All of the "big oil getting hosed" talk isnt very realistic.


07/10/07 7:30 AM

#101507 RE: tryoty #101494

troty: To me the personification of supidity is electing these same individuals, year after year, whose only concern is what is in it for them personally and who can buy their vote at the higest price. I LOVE my country. It's the politicians who run it (and are ruining it) I hate. And to those of you who live in Connecticut.. your actions prove my point.JMHO

Good morning and best to all.