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11/10/01 9:09 PM

#13431 RE: bigbizz #13430

in all due respect bizz u have been saying the same thing over and over again since ive been watching this stock.

u seem to be the only one who knows about these deals?

give it a rest.

we arent even sure about the production aspects of secureview.

honestly, dont u think that if they had landed any of the deals that u have been saying are going to happen, they would have reported it?.

frankly, i think there is going to be a lot of dissappointed investors come nov. 15.

myself included.

no news isnt good news in this case.

i sincerely hope i am dead wrong about this.

instead of assumming these deals are coming one has to assume that none have.

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11/12/01 8:14 AM

#13437 RE: bigbizz #13430

Assuming there are about 30-33 million shares outstanding, including restricted shares, and the company has another 30million shares issued(for some use) but not outstanding, if the 3rd quarter results are good, and guidance is good, it is possible that the Company knows that there are not enough "float" shares available to satisfy any type of institutional interest, so the 30 Million shares are there for a possible split of the shares, if conditions warrant that. I'm not certain, but I don't think the filing to substantiate the outstanding shares is due until Thursday.