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07/09/07 8:35 AM

#33351 RE: sojourner #33337

Ninja, I'll iterate that I was just reporting what Bob told me. I'm not endorsing it, I'm just passing it on.

Further to some of your points:

- Your calculation on the 144 ASSUMES that RSHN sold the max.

- Re: 500 million for Garden, RSHN may have included those numbers in the November count, as we all remember how long that deal took to come to fruition. I don't know.

- Re: shortinthesand's 5.4 billion, again I don't know. Bob/RSHN has given one or the other of us the wrong information. But to call shorts a "respected poster" is pushing it a little-- I don't think he's got a lot of respect going on here. I firmly believe that skeptics have every right to post thei reservations, but shorts bangs on endlessly about long discredited allegations and questionable information. Everything has a negative, ulterior motive for him; he could find a problem with sunshine....

- Re:, yes, I was pretty surprised. I don't know how much Bob deals with that end of things, but I didn't expect that answer...

Again, I'm just the messenger....
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#33359 RE: sojourner #33337

Yet despite all that, the stock price will go higher from here. That spells profit to me, even if just short term, hehe.
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07/09/07 1:52 PM

#33417 RE: sojourner #33337

It was reported that OS was approx. 3.6 on Nov. 2006.

Recently, Corr reported to a shareholder (during the last show) the OS now stands at 3.9.

Corr filed to sell 44 mil shares via SEC Form 144, which should represent RSHN having an OS of 4.4 Bil.

500 million was rumored/reported? to be in escrow to purchase Garden.

The OS from 3.6 B to 3.9 B could be the capital raised to purchase garden along with the 500 M shares in escrow and third party financing.

The OS from 3.9 B to 4.4 B shares could be the addition of the 500 M shares in escrow, hence the 4.4 B figure and Corr's SEC 144 filing.

The above also throw offs Shortinthehands reported 5.4 B. Also, I believe that the figure was "WAHT WAS AVAILABLE" to the T/A and not in the public float. Plus a person/shareholder will almost ALWAYS file the SEC 144 for 1% which is the MAX of the OS. With this known, why would some file for less than the full 1%? The 5.4 figure should be thrown out and not even considered.

There was a PR indicating that garden has been restructured and now will be financed by the seller or become a seller backed financing, which could/would mean that the possible 500 M in escrow was taken back to the treasury and/or canceled, hence the new 3.9 B figure.

I believe your assumption of an OS figure near 6 B is incorrect based on the above.

I am sure we can all agree that the PPS here on will increase technically, ie double bottom and chart indicaters as well as fundamentally, ie RSHN is in a better position then it was in ITS ENTIRE HISTORY and does have assets, ie Garden, trademarks and a truely viable products some of which are featured in a magazine and a known TV station.

We all know that the PPS is on its way up and not down. The market cap on RSHN is undervalued, wouldn't you agree with the assets and the hype the market/public has given our products?

Note: This is all based only on my opinion of course.

Also note, the above was edited for spelling and grammar since I am at work and "lazy".
