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07/06/07 1:58 PM

#15374 RE: lowman #15373

I'd like nothing more than to bury those fockers (MM's) however, and by uplisting, I'm assuming an immediate pps correction would be in order... Now, my only quesiton is, (and you touched on this yesterday), how long does this process take once decided upon?


07/06/07 2:10 PM

#15378 RE: lowman #15373

Also, it was mentioned as a side note in a previous post by Manti that he is thinking Wilshire may have some guaranteed price by Hemi of .20 or something like that? I disagree completely with this. Keith has said he thinks his company is worth considerably more than the current share price would indicate and this was well before many of the recent happenings and acquisitions. So, if Keith thinks the share price should be much higher, I don't see him "giving away" shares at a discounted price... especially considering he is the largest single share holder and this would hurt him more than anyone else and especially knowing how much Keith does not like to issue new shares.

I think if Wilshire wants to buy shares they will have to buy them like the rest of us and it would be unlikely there is some deal to buy them cheaper.


07/06/07 7:41 PM

#15410 RE: lowman #15373

ok I realize that.

But let me rephrase what I'm curious about then.

What if 100% of the float that is locked up by longs is completely unavailable (longs won't sell til the buyout even if the pps is $50 or $100) and the MMs can't cover since only NSS are floating around?

Like the groups that you mentioned have over 100% of the float locked up. What are the MMs going to cover with if real shares aren't for sale?

Like that one post that someone used as an example where there was that investor that had 100% of the outstanding shares in cert and nothing much happened to remove the NSS.