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06/30/07 8:54 AM

#100760 RE: balance_builder #100759

interesting, verrrrrryyy interesting. I know someone looking for an idle rig................

Off to play golf.


06/30/07 9:47 AM

#100764 RE: balance_builder #100759

29.jun.07 08:09

A dispute has arisen between the operator Pioneer
Natural Resources, and its partners in Block H
offshore Equatorial Guinea, including Roc Oil,
Atlas Petroleum and PA Resources. The essence of
the dispute is a disagreement about how and when a
second exploration well should be drilled in Block
H and the costs for this. Arbitration has been
claimed and the drilling of the well is postponed.
PA Resources has a 3.1% interest in the block.

A dispute has arisen between the operator Pioneer
Natural Resources, and its partners in Block H
offshore Equatorial Guinea, including Roc Oil,
Atlas Petroleum and PA Resources` subsidiary
Osbourne Resources. The essence of the dispute is
disagreement about how and when a second
exploration well should be drilled in Block H and
the costs for this. Arbitration has been claimed
and the drilling of the well is postponed. PA
Resources has a 3.1 percent participating interest
in the block.

PA Resources AB (publ) today announces that a
dispute has arisen between the operator Pioneer
Natural Resources Equatorial Guinea Limited
(`Pioneer`), and its partners in Block H offshore
Equatorial Guinea, including Roc Oil Equatorial
Guinea Company (`ROC EG`), Atlas Petroleum
International Ltd (`Atlas`) and PA Resources AB,
through its wholly-owned subsidiary Osbourne
Resources Ltd (`PA Resources`).

The essence of the dispute relates to the Farm-in
Agreements, which each partner in Block H entered
into with Pioneer in 2004. These agreements
implied, in brief, that Pioneer gained
participating interest in the Production Sharing
Contract for Block H, and in exchange, Pioneer
committed to pay a share of the future costs of
drilling two exploration wells in Block H. The two
wells are part of the working obligations for
H which the state of Equatorial Guinea has

The first of the two wells, H-1 (Bravo), was
drilled in June 2004. Pioneer thereby discharged
its responsibility in that regard. However, ROC
Atlas and PA Resources maintain that Pioneer has
breached its obligations with regard to the second

In August 2005, all the partners in the Block H,
including Pioneer, resolved to drill the H-2
(Aleta) well in satisfaction of the work
obligations for Block H. That well would also have
discharged Pioneer`s obligations to the other
partners under the Farm-in Agreements. The
Government of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea
subsequently approved the drilling of the H-2
(Aleta) well. Until early this year, all partners
in Block H were proceeding on the basis that the
well would be drilled,
although the precise timing
of the drilling was subject to rig availability.

Earlier this year, Pioneer indicated that it did
not wish to proceed with the drilling of the H-2
(Aleta) well and did not consider itself bound to
fund its parts of the costs of drilling the well.

Pioneer further indicated to the partners that
there were two reasons for this: the enactment of
new Hydrocarbons Law by the Republic of Equatorial
Guinea and escalating costs of drilling the well.
PA Resources`, as well as the other partners view,
is that Pioneer is not entitled to take the
position it has.

In order to seek clarification of certain
procedural matters under the terms of the Joint
Venture Agreement which governs the operations and
the co-operation between the companies, Pioneer
commenced arbitration actions against ROC EG,
and PA Resources, on 14 June 2007. Subsequently,
ROC EG notified Pioneer of claims for breach of
Pioneer`s contractual obligations under the Farm-
Agreement between ROC EG and Pioneer and further
advised Pioneer of its intention to pursue its
claims through arbitration. PA Resources has
authorized ROC EG to pursue the dispute.

Until this dispute is resolved, it is unlikely
the drilling of the well H-1 (Aleta) will proceed.

Pioneer Natural Resources Equatorial Guinea
Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dallas-based
Pioneer Natural Resources Limited, has a 50
participating interest in Block H. Roc Oil
Equatorial Guinea Company has a 18.8 percent
participating interest, Atlas Petroleum
International Ltd a 28.1 percent participating
interest and PA Resources AB has, through its
wholly-owned subsidiary Osbourne Resources Ltd, a
3.1 percent participating interest.

Stockholm, June 29, 2007
PA Resources AB (publ)

Seems ERHC may have known about this dilema in April when ERHC shareholders were "cautioned" by our CEO?


06/30/07 10:18 AM

#100766 RE: balance_builder #100759

Balance, how does this relate to an older Aban Abraham article I found saying Kosmos has the AA mid 2007?

Any thoughts?


Kosmos Energy Contracts for West Africa Drilling Capacity
Kosmos Energy Thursday, February 23, 2006

Kosmos Energy, through an affiliate, has entered into agreements with West Africa Drilling N.V., a wholly owned subsidiary of Mike Mullen Energy Equipment Resource, Inc., and Aban Singapore Pte. Ltd. (Aban), a wholly owned subsidiary of Aban Loyd Chiles Offshore Ltd., to acquire drilling services from the drillship "Peregrine III."
Aban will upgrade the dynamically positioned drillship in a

Singapore shipyard to operate in water depths up to 6,000 feet. Total project costs are an estimated US$180 million to US$200 million. The vessel is scheduled to reenter service in mid-2007 and initially will drill wells for Kosmos offshore West Africa.
"This agreement provides Kosmos Energy with the capability to execute a portion of our exploration and drilling programs in West Africa," said James C. Musselman, Kosmos Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "We are excited about the opportunity to expedite the drilling of our sizable and growing acreage position.

"E&P companies must take this type of initiative to realize success, especially in today's marketplace. Rigs are in tight supply, a condition that industry experts forecast will continue for an extended period," Musselman added.

Aban will operate the "Peregrine III," which will be renamed "Aban Abraham," under terms of a drilling contract with Kosmos. West Africa Drilling N.V., which purchased the "Peregrine III" from Transocean, recently was sold to Aban.

Kosmos Energy is a privately held international oil exploration and production company with a focus on West Africa. Kosmos is led by a seasoned management and technical team with extensive international and West Africa experience, and a proven record of finding and developing significant oil reserves. With the financial backing of international private equity investors Warburg Pincus and Blackstone Capital Partners, the company possesses significant financial and operational capability to generate and participate in multiple high-impact upstream projects


06/30/07 10:24 AM

#100768 RE: balance_builder #100759

BB - is the owner of the Aban Abraham a public company
surely they could tell us where the Rig is and where it's going