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06/29/07 8:48 AM

#10 RE: johnnyrock #8

3k to 50k is very doable if you set goals and don't get greedy....i ran two experiments on my board it's been so long ago i can't remember them both but one was 10k-100k and the other i can't remember.....but i was on track and then work got in the way and i couldn't trade as much as a needed i would go weeks without getting the chance to trade.

anyway here is the way to look at it most people think it sounds impossible but if you break it down i think it is doable and if i get some time to start trading again i will start my exp up again......all you need is either 5.8% a week or 1.4% a day

that is assuming $20/trade ($10 in and $10 out) and assuming 1 trade a week for the 5.8%

for the 1.4% same $20/trade and one trade a day for 250 days(can't remember how many trading days are in a year but should be close)

now there are many ways to go i suggest if you hit a goal don't rush to get your next trade take your time, a few times i hit a big trade and rushed into another just to lose all my gains and be back to where i started.

good luck it is very doable if you have the time.....