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Ike Latif

11/01/01 6:55 PM

#919 RE: Ike Latif #918

<I am much less optimistic that the goals of the ISI are presently aligned with the goals of Pakistan and the USA. . Especially for intelligence organizations that operate in relative secrecy I think that changes in policy occur gradually rather than immediately. >
The inside story of how these rogue Generals are being treated now!! The two leading right wingers retired but active in politics are 4 star Beg (who thought of strategic defiance) and 3 star Gul (Jalalabad fiasco fame), both heavy supporters of status quo, now read on…….. ..

Soon after the world changed on September 11, Pervez Musharraf called a meeting of former big-gun Generals . Anyone who was ever anyone duly assembled in Rawalpindi, amongst them a couple of "strategic defiancists"... General Aslam Beg and "strategic depthists" General Hamid Gul. Our mole at the meeting tells us that General Mirza Aslam Beg , who was at the top during 1990's criticised Pervez Musharraf unequivocal "unstinting support" to the international coalition against terrorism.

Pervez then asked Beg what else he could have done. Beg replied that Musharraf should have been verbally supportive of the international coalition without going the whole hog. He advocated a course of action whereby Musharraf should have kept his options open whilst talking to all sides of the conflict.

Pervez Musharraf had no time for such chop logic and he shot back: "Yes, like you did during the Gulf War with the Prime Minister committing troops to Saudi Arabia and you lauding Saddam Hussain publicly. What did Pakistan get at the end of the day? Nothing". That put paid to General Aslam Beg argument.

From Tomorrows. FT...With thanks..

Iqbal Latif