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06/21/07 7:37 PM

#25359 RE: AboveBlack #25358

Load the Santa Maria with Colombian gold and sail for Barcelona or Madrid.
What would any other good Conquistador do .....!!!!
However....since it's just a transfer agent ....don't get too excited. One of those will probably face execution on Monday in Ontario in a totally unrelated matter to serve as an example for the rest of that breed, only to be replaced by another. you are advancing in age and have progressed in your soldier of fortune state of mind, I have noticed some blossoming of cryptic behavior and communication on your part. Will this be a continuing trend ????

Remember that wonderful line from ' ShortCircuit 2 " ...
Los Locos kick.........

; )

wu h

06/22/07 7:25 AM

#25362 RE: AboveBlack #25358

Is the email MGMX reply to you? they are still alive, why no PR released? Thanks!