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06/20/07 9:42 AM

#60538 RE: McCloud #60537

Ernie--first off, this is a "complete scam" and that part is
not even debatable. Secondly, most of us have told you our
reasons for being here over and over again. Only you longs
give us the altruistic reasons to be here. BTW, it is not
altruistic to claim you don't read these posts when evidence
says you do.


PS Guinness is good for you
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06/20/07 9:53 AM

#60539 RE: McCloud #60537

Once again Ernie believes posters not company performance is what it's all about. Sad.
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06/20/07 10:55 AM

#60542 RE: McCloud #60537

we have won possession of nothing. very simply, your 10,000 investors are down to about a dozen, as everyone else has abandoned the ship. the only rats remaining are brad and ray and as long as the few share(bag)holders are around, the rats will continue to feast. face the facts, man...
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06/20/07 11:30 AM

#60543 RE: McCloud #60537

Some of you may feel that that proves something. IT DOESN'T . The believers and supporters just go somewhere else to discuss their investment.

Can you name a single other company where this has happened and the company was not a scam? It is impossible for bashers to keep a good company down. The only guaranteed basher repellant is performance.
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06/20/07 11:37 AM

#60544 RE: McCloud #60537

A few thoughts. Many of the old posters who touted the stock several times a day simply quit posting for all practical purposes years ago. Many of the "bashers" on this board weren't bashers at all on the earlier boards. "Jilted lovers" is a nice rhetorical touch. Some might suggest "rape victims" would be a more accurate term, though the counter to that would be no one forced anyone to buy the stock. So let's just get the sex out of it. There was no sex. Just a couple of guys on surf boards in the cold water of Ireland. Does anyone remember that?

"Sour grapes born of impatience?" I do remember a speech about delivering on the promise, and I do remember a one year time line being offered by the speaker (Tom Cooper). Something about rolling thunder by another speaker (Brad). Vague references to Microsoft. Revenues from the movie. And Rich telling us in Dallas that a significant technical breakthrough would be forthcoming in weeks. And late being told that the "technical breakthrough" was the hiring of Cooper. Who didn't stay in office very much longer after he told me personally if he didn't believe in the company he wouldn't be there.

I guess you could say it was sour grapes on my part, but hardly born of impatience.