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06/20/07 12:53 AM

#76870 RE: Razorbucks #76867

Razorbucks: sorry to pop your sorry statist bubble, but there were massive amounts of witnesses and questions, in the minutes, hours, days, and weeks following 9/11.

Your enamorment with Hitler isn't surprising seeing Prescott Bush's involvement with Hitler.


06/20/07 2:38 AM

#76893 RE: Razorbucks #76867

Razor A lot can go unnoticed, it's the government! They don't go through the same channels as the private sector does. Larry Silverstein the owner of WTC7 is on film plainly admitting they decided to bring down WTC7. He says they couldn't contain the fire and they made the decision pull the building.

DUDE you don't just make a decision to pull a building that is on fire like you have some kind of easy button at your finger tip! Imploding a 40 story building requires strategic explosives need to be placed at multiple points over multiple floors!

(Watch from time index 8:00 – where Larry says on film they pulled WTC7)

Please PLEASE explain this smoking gun away.

A 9/11 investigation (at least now) is publicly given the same reverence as looking for little green men in Roswell; people who believe 9/11 was an inside job are given the same level of credibility on TV and radio as space alien hunters are. The Republicans and right wing media have done an effective job of making anyone who thinks 9/11 was an inside job look like buffoons.

Just like flying saucers people privately will agree and even share their belief but publicly it’s the kiss of death to credibility to dare suggest ones belief making for a great 2 AM conversation at Denny’s over a pot of coffee. This nation is going to have to fall hard on its face to wake up to reality. The Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton stories which get more air time than 30 people dying from a single bomb in Iraq is proof people still get fed to the lions in our modern digital coliseum diverting us from all the unpopular hard realities.

Hundreds of millions will be displaced from rising sea levels as a result of global warming… oh thank GOD! Paris Hilton’s Chihuahua was found unharmed!! The mid east is destabilizing as a result of Bush’s foreign policies …OH JUST LOOK what Brittany did to her hair!!! We teeter on the edge of a new cold war with Russia … Disgraced Duke D.A. disbarred for ‘deceit’!!


Much of this nation just eats up the diversion. Some do nothing because they are afraid of how they might appear to their friends and family. Some justify doing nothing because they are busy or have too many problems (not realizing the government is part of it), the religious lamely chalk it up to an impending Armageddon and just joyfully embrace the coming of Jesus and a new system.

In the end it boils down to peoples priorities placing value on their own issues more than the worlds and finding no place in their personal schedule to become involved.

Will anyone get off their apathetic butts?
Only when our kingdom is lost will they.

That's not too far away.