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06/19/07 3:57 PM

#42229 RE: Renavatio #42202

Renavatio, I don't believe that. There must be more to it.

From my experience, Matt and his minions don't give a rat's azz what happens on the forums, unless the rules are violated. They are way too busy counting their money, and "fixing" whatever isn't broken on the web site, or "enhancing" the site with even more spam-downloading advertisements. They are ALL about money!

For example, the WNMI forum has a mod, frankie_fillet, who is consistantly negative on the stock under his charge. He calls it "a dog" on just about every other post. He's obviously a BASHER/manipulator. Being long the stock I asked him respectfully (even said please) to not do that (be neutral). He became offensive and threatened to ban me. I took the problem to Matt's Q&A board, looking for a solution, and I caught all kinds of criticism from the other azz-lickers who hang out there. I was told to put that mod on Ignore, which I did. After that I just gave up on that forum.

If you think Matt of and his partners are going to take a stand based on what is right or wrong with these forums, you are totally out of your gourd. Some of the forum modes act like little facist kings ruling over their kingdoms. There is nothing that can be done about that because those who are in charge - DON'T CARE!

Just my opinion...