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Lucky 2 B Here

06/15/07 7:55 PM

#20041 RE: dioblo #20039

GEEEEZE Here we go again (Sorry Guys)

“in the long run its up to each person to deside when its time to cut and run , as for myself i have hung in for 6 months im a gambler i do play the cry baby ever now and then but i can only blame myself if i win or lose a good gambler knows when to get out or go all in”

I thought that was one of Kenny’s but I just went through his entire CD 3x and I was wrong. That quote came from you my friend. I believe it was #12686. I know you have not always been a basher on this site. I have read every single one of your posts dioblo. Man, it took me a long time (you sure have a lot to say? not very opinionated either are you?) Some were actually really good. You are obviously a smart guy. Unfortunately an angry one too. You were name calling by your 2nd post on IHUB (shame on you BAD DIOBLO). I am sorry that you and Tom had a conversation that you didn’t agree with. You say he lied, no one else was on the phone with you two so who knows. He’s never lied to me. However, I also know that Tom only passes along information as he receives it. As everyone on this site knows, EDEX does not own 100% of the working interest on these projects which means that others vote on things as well and Tom has to roll with it. I don’t necessarily have a problem with you bringing up both sides of the coin I just think you would get a lot more mileage out of people if you approached them differently.

As for the delayed PR, the rig was released late last week (per Geo). I think it was Thursday or Friday. That rolls us right into the weekend. The PR came out on Tuesday the 12th. It takes me longer at some places to get a burger and I still leave a tip for the waitress. I don’t think that's an unreasonable amount of time to write up reports and create a PR especially since everyone knows how religious Calvin is and that he doesnt like to work on Sundays (maybe im wrong). Im confused by your dumping accusations as well but thats nothing new. You've been waiving that flag for quite some time now huh?. Sure the volume was the highest since 12/7/06 but the stock closed up both days (8th and 11th). Kind of Dumb for Tom and crew to only allow 2 days to clean house and run for the hills don’t you think? What I think is your digging again. You have the same problem as harsh. You are taking something personal that happened (Tom Supposedly Lied to You) and making it everybody else’s problem.

Here's one more of your recent famous ones;

“i probably wouldn't even post here if some of these clowns would quit attacking anybody that has something other than apump or the constant bullshit being posted here”

I am willing to take you up on that offer. I will never bring your name up or attack you on this board if you are willing to honor your statement and never post here again. What do you say????? Ill even hang up my automatic bs picker upper in the closet and wont use it anymore.

You are still mad because you say Tom lied to you once but you are not holding true to several of the statements you make on this board. (i just mentioned two but i have a whole lot more). I would be happy if you would just keep one of these promises (your choice). Hell, then you would be the same as Tom and only would have lied once right?????

The EDEX Clown -