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06/14/07 10:28 PM

#19720 RE: antisubmarinewarfare #19719

Beautifully written.
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mAjOr dAmAgE

06/14/07 10:42 PM

#19724 RE: antisubmarinewarfare #19719

Err, I was just using worsthumanbeings as an example of what you can and cannot say, and I wasn't referring to anyone as that. I mean, we all have our opinions of posters one way or the other, and that's simply what Matt doesn't want posted and for good reason -- because it's about the stock. And people shouldn't be bullied one way or another. It certainly shouldn't be all rah rah rah and it shouldn't be boo boo boo. There has to be debate and discussion or no-one would care.

If someone is fearful of the CEO, they have the right to post it without attack, and if someone loves the CEO, they have the same right to speak ABOUT THE STOCK.

So let's keep it to that. It's alot more credible to respond with information instead of attacks anyway. If I didn't know about the stock, I'd pay attention to someone who talks about it and I wouldn't pay attention to someone that says, "You're just pumping," or "bashing."

I mean it's all about knowing the good and the bad and making an informed decision. If you really think that a negative or positive post will affect the stock to a point that you have to attack, then maybe you're not as confident in what you believe. It's bullying and it has no place.

You'll never, ever see me delete a post about the stock. Today the PR was posted maybe 6 or 7 times, I don't care. Discuss the stock. That's why we're here. Leave the posters alone and the message stays.

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06/14/07 10:49 PM

#19726 RE: antisubmarinewarfare #19719

Very interesting,Thanks. We have to realize this is all a game. When I lost 55 K to EWDC you sorta hit home. I also kept averaging down, most of the time it worked for me but this time it didn't, but you don't see me over there bashing, day in and day out ( maybe once or twice) but ya gotta move on and learn fron the past. On a final note, I do like everything I hear about TSXT at this point.But that's just my own opinion
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06/14/07 10:50 PM

#19727 RE: antisubmarinewarfare #19719

Thank you for posting this. It is good to know.
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Chili Palmer

06/15/07 12:18 AM

#19769 RE: antisubmarinewarfare #19719

anti you brought tears to my eyes "sniffle"
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06/15/07 12:34 AM

#19782 RE: antisubmarinewarfare #19719

Yeah, that might be the case for you, but alot of these guys just had their alias born within a week, they should have been upset for some time, not just now. I think the MMs being very short is quite possibly the situation, or someone is trying to get a huge position as cheap as they can. For 6 bucks an hour you can get a team of guys to do what they are doing, and it can make you 1000's if they complete their objective.IMO
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04/29/08 11:12 PM

#33941 RE: antisubmarinewarfare #19719

mattchew...pre IAHL share structure conversion explained. 14 JUN 07 as I pumped TSXT. Click on message 19719 above. ~ASW~
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04/30/08 7:56 AM

#33944 RE: antisubmarinewarfare #19719

Do not know what to say, I got in when TSXT had no idea so many people got screwed!
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06/12/08 3:26 PM

#36107 RE: antisubmarinewarfare #19719

History ...This time last year:

~ASW~ Post Thursday, June 14, 2007 10:20:42 PM message 19719

Just a quick note concerning negative posters. A few posters have come onto our board with a destructive agenda.... attempting to derail TSXT's plan to raise the pps, douse our hopes and scare away any potential investors. Earlier today I called them spiteful/hateful. You can smell their agenda a mile away. Usually newborn and posting on only one board. Vengeance directed at a CEO is their central objective. They are gonna beat the stock down to 'get even' with a CEO for past wrongs.

Others want to lower the pps to obtain a more palatable entry price and spread fear and we see them post negative or misleading information again & again & again. I've heard them called 'worsthumanbeingontheearthderivedfromsnailsthateatshit' lol MD.

But among us are a few that we think of as bashers but it's not that cut & dried. We see these grizzled folks with torn and tattered ears, scars, some with knocked-out teeth and missing limbs, some with only one eye. Some have been tortured, stabbed, bitten, kicked and shot. They've limped knee-deep in blood, puke, snot, urine and feces to arrive here to stand beside you as we watch the future unfold.

I just thought I'd try to explain why some of these 'old timers' have 'less than stellar' attitudes. I have been here awhile now and am one of the more fortunate long term shareholders. Reaping777 calls us 'stuckholders'. Some of the more bitter of us 'stuckholders' did not average down as we fell. I did.

Being, an optimist', or as some say 'cheerleader', I held ALL of my ICAN stock that I bought before the 80:1 split to IBCX. I bought ICBX at .01 and 'knowing that it was worth a Nickel' :) held it through a 100% rise in value only to watch it fall while the entire AS of Billions was quickly dumped into the OS.

While the IBCX pps fell to .0001 I was busy averaging down, even though some of our skeptical board-members had pulled aside the curtain allowing me a crystal clear view of old laughing 'weeniepuller', in his lair, printing worthless shares of IBCX deep in the Black Heart of IBAC. Even then I never believed that it was gonna be as bad as Liable, Reap, Realest and MajorDamage claimed it would be. I thought there would be a pop or a pump that would allow us to escape. That was not ever the plan. We were to be slaughtered. Every last one of us.

I never sold a single share of my IBAC stocks. That rotten IBAC SOB put us through an 80,000:1 share reduction from the ICAN days to arrive decimated, drained, sickened & dumped naked on the 'Doorstep of TSXT'.

After the 1,000:1 RS due to my 'optimistic nature' I, of course, resumed buying. I bought TSXT from .37 down to .1 and back up to .25 while Bashers wailed away telling us that we were going to .0001 and blah, blah, blah. So $0.0001 ICAN = $0.008 IBCX = $8 TSXT.

Some of these pssssed off people we see here on our board have paid 8,16,24,32,40 or more dollars for every share of TSXT that they hold. At an average of .0001 each 80,000 ICAN shares became 1,000 shares of IBCX that then became 1 share of TSXT. So when you see skepticism always try to see the underlying motive and don't be too quick to write them odd as a grouchy old basher...they might have some truth to pass on. These are dangerous times and we are players in a ruthless game where the odds are stacked against us and lessons are not often free.

Without averaging down I would need to sell each share for $8 to break even. Had I bought my ICAN shares at .0005 like some did I'd need to sell my TSXT shares for $40 each to get well.
Instead of stubbornly accepting a sizable loss I spent tens of thousands of dollars averaging down. I held my shares to the very end of IBCX & would have lost every penny if it were not for TSXT. Thank you Michelle for the ungagged TA, open communications, Low OS and Soon to be lowered AS. 'Just Say No' to dilution. :)

So keep in mind that some of these frustrating people were cheated out of a huge pile of money by lying deceptive con artists and are being super cautious and overly vocal.