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PA Portman

06/14/07 3:38 PM

#4687 RE: enovia #4685

I can't because it was several months ago and one of those local businessmen conversations (with an owner/former owner) about revenue over several years of two shops in particular.

It was not just my analysis that was "less than thrilling". it was multiple people with a background in local pizza shops and what they should gross. People who can ballpark in their head expenses like spoilage, payroll, rent, owner draw, etc. and understand how they all factor into the success or failure of a business.

That's not an exact science. You need to know what you hearing and know the background of who is doing the analysis. In my case...successful local businessmen with a background in the market and business that was being discussed...I trust the analysis (their's and mine). Remember, too that I was being specific to certain shops and NOT shops at large. nor, commenting on the quality of the product which I find exceptional and I am a very picky pizza person. I like all pizza...but only really like (exactly three pizza shop brands - One private and and two small franchises) a few.

However...and I will ALWAYS say you own DD and do not always trust people on the boards. I do not mind being doubted. Everyone should doubt posters. :) Take what you read on the boards with a grain of salt.

If you do not know the Pittsburgh market for pizza is one of the most shop rich locations in the US. Even JV says that in his calls. So competition is high and that will push revs down for small shops.