spooky, don't be hard on rebalgal. She learned the short battle cry from an expert. He almost drove himself crazy. Went to every board that he was invested in screaming 'buyins net"", get the facts, guess why every bad stock I have is in the toilet, them shorts. Ole rebal had to run to keep up, repeating the routine. WE all know the massive short squeeze COMING IN aurc, nwog, especially PCML., just to name a few.
Yes redundacy is a nice word to use. . Spooky, what is sad, I am in , and have been in some of those stocks, these pumpers are pushing. Well 1 thing known, NO BUYOUT. Most AURC investors already know this. The me too bottom feeders are having a hard time, can believe they fell into another cesspool. Get up AURC, LOL. DARN HAVE A HARD TIME PUMPING THIS DOG. All in my not so humble opinion. Indian