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Elmer Phud

06/12/07 8:46 PM

#44073 RE: kpf #44070

Klaus, I know thinking is not your strong point but you were given clues.

"We do price cuts routinely," Mulloy said. "We cut prices to make room at the high end of the product line."

What do you suppose that might mean? What might they be making room for? Think.. Think... I know you can do it...


06/12/07 9:41 PM

#44076 RE: kpf #44070

Re: It's just that consumers don't pay much premium for Quadcore

Did somebody beat you on the head with a stupid stick today, or what...?

Here are the facts:

2.66GHz dual core: $183
3.0GHz dual core: $266

2.4GHz quad core: $266
2.66GHz quad core: $530

No premium, you say...? Then why is quad core priced at almost 3x that of the same frequency dual core? At 50% higher price per core, it seems like a substantial premium to me. Or the fact that Intel is pricing quad core at the same price as a dual core that is 600MHz higher in core frequency...?

P.S. check out the date on the top. These price reductions have been known for a month, at least, and they won't take effect until later in Q3. Does that sound like Intel is being "forced" by AMD to lower prices? You think, maybe, that AMD starts stealing market share like crazy, and Intel's knee-jerk reaction is to plan price cuts months in advance...?

Pure brilliance on behalf of Klaus, once again.