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Replies to post #2172 on

Replies to #2172 on


02/26/04 10:18 PM

#2190 RE: dejgaard #2172

KD - Well I'm certainly glad to hear that you're still in business. However, knowing the business climate for biotech startups as you've mentioned, does the lab know what the front office knows? How tight are you guys? What kind of cash are you sitting on? Is it enough to weather through? Are you supplementing with grants?

I only ask because I worry for you. Last year I had the most incredibly unsavory experience of being on the knowing end of coming layoffs and these were people I'd come to be good friends with. The layoffs were a bunch of the scientists and our IT guy!

And, yes, science IS very international. I love it. More Americans could do with a good dose of cultural exchanges. It might deflate some of the arrogance inbred in our modern culture.
