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06/12/07 1:36 AM

#249780 RE: Man Utd fan #249769

Man Utd...,

Are you telling me Microsoft or Boeing or General Electric responds to every inquiry their shareholders make?

Your gamble hasn't had time to pan out, that's all. Go back and read Netflix's travails--they were many--and give Fleming the leash Hastings was given before NFLX began to roll.

And don't forget, there's a few more boulders in the way of GZFX than there was for NFLX. Competition breeds strength or fatal weakness.

I'm betting--could be wrong as hell--that GZFX comes out of this stronger and successful. How it rewards those of us who have invested for the long haul remains to be seen.

It may be that latecomers will realize it all. But that's the name of the game here in pennyland. The early bird doesn't always get the worm.