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06/11/07 1:39 AM

#36 RE: petermic #35

Translated from the German - pretty rough reading:

*** Star Energy, StarGold, Russoil - Aller schlechten Dinge sind 3 ***

How long do the machinations of the Mr. Frick probably still well go?

Short preface:
Into many left, which I call in the following as indication of source, it concerns Filings.

All 3 Frick shares, which it concerns in this Posting, are noted at the stock exchange US OTC-BB, because they are domiziliert in the USA, with alleged operational addresses in Russia.
US shares must publish enterprise-relevant information time near in the form of so-called Filings, one could in for instance with press releases compare.

The mentioned left lead e.g. to, a side, on which this Filings is callable for everyone then.
Also by the way for Markus Frick, which concealed all risks with the months-long recommendations of the 3 shares, although these were publicly accessible.

In the Filings the information is often deeply hidden in inch-long texts, but who searches, in addition later more finds there often interesting things.

We summarize thus once:


Russian Bude No. 1, which hochgepusht Frick:

Star Energy (

Before Cairo Acquisitions was called and was a worthless stock exchange coat, which dümpelte long time before itself, until someone came on the glorious idea, it in star Energy umzubennen.

That/those paid less than 1 million $ for the complete stock exchange coat.

Then Frick starts its Pusherei, and schwupps the Bude over 100 millions $ was worth, thus more than the 100-fache its that was originally worth her.

Reason: Gigantic raw material resources in Russia, which one took in oneself over the purchase of a Russian company.

Name of the Russian company: Volga Neft.

Here one was still relatively human, which concerned the share number, was probably first times a test, as well the Frick readers accept the whole.

Share number therefore \ \ \ “only \ \ \”:

Common stick, $,001 par VALUE,
225,000,000 shares authorized,
31,562,500 of shares issued and outstanding

After the purchase of Volga Neft, which one naturally paid for lack of money with shares, were then however 38.312.500 shares.
(Source:, \ \ \ “after thesis transactions, star has 38.312.500 common shares issued and outstanding \ \ \”).

Thus 38,3 million shares are \ \ \ “printed \ \ \”, altogether 225 million shares are authorized already.

Power with starting course of star Energy a stock exchange value (Marktkapitalsierung, in the following MK mentioned) of approx. 57,4 millions € (38,3 million shares x course 1,50), because approx. to a course of 1.50 € \ \ \ “\ \ \” the Frick readers might enter then into the share, for which the initiators had paid only 0,001 $ before, and 0,001 $ is also the book value of the shares (par VALUE).

Since there was before it no considerable trade with the share, it can have given also, thus the buyers lured by Frick into the share directly from the initiators of these Bude their shares to no considerable Freefloat bought, if necessary over intermediaries switched between them who got the shares transferred and then to have piece by piece abverkauft.

The Frick readers did not ask themselves the question naturally, where actually the many shares came, which one could suddenly buy, but were simply only lightup enthusiastically over the Russian raw material bead, which was applied from now on daily by Frick in its E-Mail-Hotline.

With so gigantic reserves of raw materials one could actually make nothing wrong.

Attested the alleged reserves of raw materials were by the way never, appraisals of geologists none were likewise submitted, but such things were never mentioned by Frick, but always only to the gigantic raw material occurrences in Russia referred.

The Frick readers might make then even actually with the share first times money, at least virtually, because a genuine profit is it only if one sold.

It went up up to 3,30 € in the point, which corresponds to a MK of 126.3 millions € (38,3 million shares x course 3.30).

Unfortunately most Frick readers gave the door, since Frick recommended the share to maximum rates still to the purchase, to a course goal according to him: 3,50 € - at least.

Thus there was money to make virtually, actually for most however not, because meanwhile the course stands with approx. 0.70 € (and therefore all buyers at that time are at least 50% in the loss) and most are probably still in it.

How is it to be also different?

The shares, which bought the Frick readers, sold the initiators of the whole thing thanking for more than the 1000-fachen price (with an average purchase price of 0.001$ = 0,00074 € a sales results in a net yield of 270270% in the case of on the average 2 €).

The fact that these suddenly redeem now to 1 € is very improbably, there already long \ \ \ “the next sow through \ \ \ 's village is floated \ \ \”, in addition later more.

Thus many Frick readers might sit still on the star Energy shares and/or have other Trader them these bought in hope that the sharp fall in prices could be only from short duration.

The current MK von Star Energy is \ \ \ “\ \ \” approx. 26.8 millions €, here is burned only the earth and the losses is obvious thus already with the shareholders.

However probably still another far way is approaching for the other Frick Buden downhill.


Russian Bude No. 2, which hochgepusht Frick:

Star gold (

Because the whole with star Energy folded so madly and the clients were surely very content with the Mr. Frick, equal the next thing was thus drawn up.

Star Energy is good - star gold is better!
Gold - sounds oneself madly.

Whereby the Bude was called before it actually Sockey Seafood, thus a unsuccessful fish trade was.

But quasi over night, we already know the play with renaming the before worthless stock exchange coat, whereby multi-million-values are created abruptly, from star Energy, and there it functioned in the best way.

This time again that swindle-exciting high value of the share justified with the assumption of a Russian company with gigantic reserves of raw materials, this time is called it university University of company.

Naturally there are no confirmed resources also here, but only stated.
Geological appraisals or like?
Nil return.

Nevertheless this time is everything more largely drawn up a number, because the company carries gold in the name, and/or why little to take, even if one can have more?

Thus with the share number gas is given equivalent times correctly:

Share number up-to-date (common stick issued): 81.108.200
Share number possible (common stick authorized): (in words: 1 BILLION)

Here the first Frick readers were allowed it with approx. 3.50 € Frick into his virtual Trading plant purely, there clean-took.

Start MK with this Push was thus 283,8 million € (81,1 million shares x course 3.50).

Most readers bought however only to 4.35 €, 4.64 € and to 5.09 €, because that were the courses, to which Frick bought the star gold share into its virtual 10,000 € to plant.

The average buying rate of the readers might have been with approx. 4.50 €, particularly since over 5 € particularly high conversions took place.

In the point star gold ran highly to 5.70 €, whereby there was one conversion on this course only later took, and Frick it coincidentally exactly to this maximum rate then from the depot.

Course 5.70 € corresponds to a MK of sayful 462,2 millions €.

Meanwhile we stand for MK (81,1 million shares x course 1.70 €) at approx. 1.70 €, thus still with swindle-exciting 137.8 millions €, although the company is insolvent in principle in accordance with quarter report (reason and indication of source follow still).

And the alleged assumption of the company Univer is not carried out, as originally meant, yet at all so that all shareholders invested in principle into a castle in the air.

Most the Frick reader might be also here still in it, because since the removal from the virtual depot only few days passed, before the Frick readers however during one period of 5 months the share daily bought.
All sales cannot yet at all have thus been processed, and the shares must belong to possibly whom up-to-date.

It is most improbable also there the fact that the initiators before redeem those thanking abverkauften shares again because who bought shares of the worthless fish trade to 0,001 $ and then too cut through 4.50 € sell could, which at current prices will probably hardly redeem, because the Bude is in principle broke and also otherwise worthlessly.

On the contrary I assume even into the falling courses still one abverkauft, because to 0.001 $ referred shares at 1,70 € to sell is still a profit of 170.000%.

And most Frick readers do not understand the sharp fall in prices, particularly since Markus Frick does not understand and for weeks for news waits the sharp fall in prices allegedly and so that its holds readers in the share, so that the backers can unload further.
Since the Frick readers do not sell to the majority yet, the backers can unload further shares and it nevertheless in such a way looks, as if simply only disappointed investors would sell.

How many shares could be actually unloaded to the Frick readers, is difficult to measure.
On the basis the Charts (one considered the volume between January and June, thus in the time of the Frick Pushs and improvement in prices) it might have been roughly 40 million shares.

Of it roughly 10 million shares are sold, thus the owner changed, again to new investors in good faith, who considered the sharp fall in prices in unawareness of the missing goodwill exaggerated.

Thus still approx. 30 million shares might be in hands of Frick readers.
Also with the 10 million shares, which landed with \ \ \ “new A RISERs \ \ \”, some Frick readers participate probably, that wanted to reduce their Einstandskurs in price by Nachkäufe, because otherwise are interested hardly an investor layer in so an overestimated nonsense.

In any case ones might be approx. 40 millions star gold shares in the possession of Frick readers and other people, that are pleased on these shares.

The remaining 41 million shares probably still are with the initiators, but one cannot never abverkaufen 100% of a Bude, creates also Frick with the readers in good faith.

The damage (the star gold shares are worthless in principle) is thus with 40 million shares x course 4.50 € (volume-weighted durschnittlicher buying rate) = 180 millions €

Since it always turned with both shares around the topic Russia, at least the thought lies near that also the backers are Russians.

Particularly since a large part of the before worthless shares over-moved in the course of the assumption \ \ \ of the “gigantic raw material resources \ \ \” to the owners of the Russian companies, to which one paid their Buden for lack of money evenly by expenditure of shares.

All money of Frick readers, which is now in these shares, probably moved therefore on foreign accounts.

For the Iniatoren a business with a yield in million height with 3 digits.

As evenly mentioned the damage on approx. 180 millions is to be estimated €.

Taken off plus approx. 50 millions € from star Energy, because there the same play, only among other things names and at that time some more smaller.


Most owners of star Energy and star gold shares are still not at all aware of its that their shares are worthless in principle.

Still scarcely 0.70 stands € and/or for 1.70 € on the Kurszettel.
But the shares are also not sold still.
But at these prices sufficiently buyer to find, might become very difficult.

Star Energy is up-to-date thus still halfway human with approx. 26.8 millions € evaluated (virtually, by multiplying the share number by the course).
There one could find quite new buyers for the shares, whereby the damage does not waive itself thereby, but only from a shareholder to the next, a course goal probably shifts zero.

With star gold it might become clearly more difficult to find to current courses buyers because this Bude is still evaluated with grotesque 137.8 millions €, although one has only 10,327 $ in the firm cash (source: Quarter report and/or had, because that was conditions at the end of March, and the money is meanwhile probably away, certain costs has even a mail box firm.

That probably not more commitments (\ \ \ “Liabilities \ \ \”) at a value of 45.532 $ by the way face existing 10,327 $, which are company thus actually broke, which was not mentioned naturally likewise by Frick.

And now the most frightening thing:
While the star gold Push of Frick in March 2007 already in full course was and its readers had themselves here shares to courses between 4 and 5 € turned, paid star gold due calculations for lack of money with shares and/or money procured itself by New edition von Aktien, to the bond issuing price of 0,10 $ (= 0,075 €) per share.
Proof: Quarter report,

\ \ \ “in March 2007, the company issued 25.000 shares for services valued RK $2,500.

In March 2007, the company issued 83.200 shares for cash OF $8,320. \ \ \ “

It thus altogether over 100.000 shares again spent on altogether 10,520 $, thus for 0,10 $ = 0.075 € per share, during these in Germany to the Frick readers for 60 - until 70-fache could be abverkauft.
Mind you - that was only in March this yearly.
How much such actions were probably accomplished for the procurement of capital of the company without means StarGold in April and May still, can be only suspected and/or be picked out then at the earliest from the quarter report Q2, but is present at the earliest in July.

All these things were not mentioned by Frick, and were not concealed also all risks to the 3 Frick Russia shares.

Thus geschätze 180 millions € (star gold) plus 50 millions € (star Energy) damage.

Sum: approx. 230 millions € damage.

Not yet realized damage, because the majority of the Frick readers are still invested, the shares must belong to possibly whom.
Yet times ansatzweise all purchases transacted during the rise (see volumes in the Chart, over several months) are not again processed in the form of sales.

Since the initiators to 0,001 $ the bought sold and to more than 1000-fachen probably will hardly again redeem, the sales in the sense can be never completely processed, because the debacle changes simply only the new owner, does not go however not back to the origin.

While thus the damages did not understand yet at all, what happened, and that it will become still worse (a course goal zero, because worthlessly), is proceeds of sale of altogether roughly 230 millions € already long on the accounts of those, which initiated the whole here.

Without Frick that would not have been possible.
It was that, which tempted readers by daily Pushen and concealing of all risks its to the purchase.
Otherwise no clearly thinking humans would have bought these worthless in principle shares.
And also at the actual homeland stock exchange (US OTC-BB) always only a fraction of the Handelsvolumens was acted by Germany, which proves that there - at the actual homeland stock exchange - hardly someone was interested in the shares.

Thus a pure thing of Frick, which induced its readers to it to buy the Russian and other shareholders completely the 1000-fach too expensive shares dazzles.


As if that would be all not yet enough, one draws now the third such Bude up, and naturally everything is still more largely, still more extreme:

Russian Bude No. 3, which pusht Frick:

Soot oil (

Here one carries the Russia purchase even directly in the name.
Star as a name component was probably too ausgelutscht, and/or with the two shares star Energy and star gold had made at this time already too many people of losses.

Oh, and this time one takes oil as raw material, not to gold.

Same pattern as before:

An actually completely worthless stock exchange coat (Cassidy Media) renamed in soot oil.

Here one had it particularly hasty, who knows, how long that can be done everything still well.

To 30.4.2007 the Bude was called still Cassidy Media, however directly times a 1 28.5-Split, which let the share number explode formally, with the book value of the shares however \ \ \ “something made the right-of-comma positions \ \ \” increased.
New book value per share: 0,00001 $.

New share number:
Already printed (issued and outstanding shares): 342.000.000 (in words: 342 million shares).
Still printable (authorized shares): (in words: over 14 BILLION shares)

If one has so many shares, one must naturally also which thereby make.
Thus one designates oneself by fusion over in soot oil.

That was by the way only scarcely one month ago, to 2.5.2007.
All information mentioned inclusive share number is to be reread here:

And with these many many many shares, which one can use as virtual currency, one buys now to 31.5.2007 the company Smolenergy, naturally likewise from Russia.
To information to this purchase see

One pays again by shares instead of by money, because of it one has unfortunately none.

As said, this time everything should go completely fast.
Umbennung of the Bude, purchase of a Russian Bude and beginning of the Frick Pushs, everything within only 5 weeks (Frick Push began at the beginning of of June).

Whether there probably already someone knows that this any longer for a long time well cannot go to mirror-image moose and therefore everything temporally completely tautly accomplished?

In any case one is to have Smolenergy according to Frick Kaufempfehlung oil reserves in BILLION HEIGHT.
This time not millions, but billions.
Finally one must always offer an increase to the readers.

Always did not confirm resources like available, geological appraisals likewise none.

This time Frick writes even risk class \ \ \ “very highly \ \ \”, with star Energy and star gold was it still \ \ \ to “means \ \ \”.
However he forgets also here in his purchase report times again to mention all risks because also this company does not have no money likewise, and confirmed resources gives it.
To that extent the reference is very highly \ \ \” also only fadenscheinig \ \ \ “risk, because the purchase report conceals all risks.

This third (and probably last) Russia Push (assume before a possible fourth such Push switch the authorities the Frick first times the light out) is naturally the piece of gloss:

342 million shares are already printed, up to 14 BILLION can be printed.

Whether it the purchasing power of its readers somewhat does not overrate there?
Or whether the backers could not get the neck there fully?

Even with the 342 million shares already printed the Frick readers might be overtaxed from the purchasing power, because with current course (1,20 €) an swindle-exciting MK of 410,4 millions results in € (342 million shares x course 1.20 €)

Opposite stands:
No money and did not confirm, but only maintained resources in billion height.

If the taken over company (Smolenergy) were actually werthaltig, why the owners sell then their company in response for before completely worthless shares of a failed medium agency (stock exchange coat named Cassidy Media)?

This question applies naturally also to the 2 Russia Buden drawn up before.

Why did the Russian shareholders with worthless shares let themselves be paid?
Was nevertheless already from the outset planned there to use the worthless shares the Abverkauf and it thereby make werthaltig in the form of taken in money of investors in good faith.

In any case on the first day of the Frick Pushs 80 million shares were already converted.

Frick set a first course goal of 1,80 €, so that its readers buy the Bude heedlessly.

That the Bude is overestimated already now roughly with factor 1000 (more, book value of the shares is actually 0,00001 $, course 1.28 € is the 128.000-fache of it), naturally by Frick in no word mentioned.

One set this time the starting course for Clevererweise low.
Fricks buying rate for its virtual depot was 0.80 €, on the subsequent day the share directly with 1,10 € opened, the average buying rate of the readers was approx. 1.20 €, in the point until 1.40 €.

Now perhaps many think that 1.20 would be proper favorable € compared with the starting and maximum rates of the 2 other Frick Russia shares.

That the course is actually not relevant, but Frick is only relevant naturally with no syllable in connection with the share number, mentions.

Without the only 5 weeks ago ago accomplished 1 to 28.5-Split the share quotation would now by the way be with 36,48 € (1.28 x 28,5).
Well, still favorably?

Fact is that the Bude has already now nearly the MK, which had star gold in the point.

That the shares cannot hold such an high evaluation, clear and sees one is complete at the course processes of star Energy and star gold.

Nevertheless from Frick gepusht up to goes here no longer.
In the E-Mail-Hotline of 8.6.2007 it e.g. maintains that soot oil without the weak total market would probably already stand at 1,50 €.

This time one had it as mentioned particularly hasty.

Over 100 million shares were already converted.

The damage and thus also the transferred money (the money of the Frick readers is away, because in worthless shares invests) might have already exceeded thus also with this share the 100 millions € border, and probably also this Push is laid out several weeks, like star Energy and star gold also (with both the initiators knew their shares over weeks abverkaufen).

To that extent one intends here probably still some.


The damage from all 3 Frick Russia shares, cumulated, might now already be with approx. 330 millions € (50 millions € star Energy, 180 millions € star gold, 100 millions € soot oil).

How much more it can still become/may, depends now on the authorities.

Fricks whole system is a snow ball system/pyramid play.

On stage 1 stand it and the initiators of the Buden.

On stage 2 Friends & Family, where before already admits certainly is, come what are next recommended (often one sees remarkable conversions in the Chart short with the shares before recommendation - well sowas)

The subscribers of its E-Mail-Hotline, which get the recommendations as the first, form stage 3 (at least first of the rear stages) and but also gladly 900 € annually in advance pays.

The seminar visitors, who are applicable as future subscribers of the E-Mail-Hotline, form stage 4 and therefore also gladly times one \ \ \ “seminar-tap \ \ \” get, which before then on the E-Mail-Hotline share gepushte first is often.

The new type character receivers, thus the people, form stage 5 which registered themselves sometime on its Website times as a prospective customer.
As soon as a share has a certain improvement in prices behind itself, Frick recommends it also in free new type character.
What Frick do not see to the E-Mail-Hotline-subscriber then as \ \ \ “you, you have X per cent, before I tell it to the other one \ \ \” packed, are made already anything differently than the rear stage of the snow ball system/pyramid play, which is to then provide for purchasing power supply.

The N24-Zuschauer of its transmission Make Money, which usually last or together with stage 5 one type get, forms stage 6, because around the pseudo Seriösität to true, Frick in its television broadcast speaks rather about respectable shares such as alliance, from time to time participates then in addition, times an advertising spot for star Energy.
Since the television broadcast provides however particularly for subscriber supply, because under line it is a marketing instrument to also hardly use (from the technical information content otherwise), is also still quite important to stage the 6 in the Frick system.

Now to the numbers of its readers:

Stage 3 (subscriber) approx. 10,000 might be.
Since it brings its Abos already for many years in the form of seminars in the coffee style of driving quite skillfully to the man, I estimate the Abozahl on 10.000, the N24-Sendung might to it also still some have contributed.

Stage 4 (seminar visitors): According to Frick Website (, column of seminars, were already \ \ \ “over 250.000 participants \ \ \” on its seminars.
Stage 4 is not to be despised thus likewise.

Stage 5 (new type character receivers):
Roughly each seminar participant registered itself also for the new type character and/or for it registered in the context of the registration.
The number of the new type character receivers might be even still higher however, because there are also prospective customers, who were still on no seminar.

Stage 6 (N24-Zuschauer):
Due to the TV-range this stage might be the largest, as it itself for the lowest stage of a snow ball system/a pyramid play belonged.

Now it should be also clear that the estimated 330 millions € total damage (so far, it becomes daily more, because the soot oils Push is in full course) are quite realistic.

Frick has 90% of the virtual depot money in its \ \ \ “I makes from 10.000 € 100,000 € \ \ \” - plant been into soot oil.

Since its readers dream to likewise make from 10.000 € 100,000 € everyone, which copies the 10,000 € from plant 1 to 1, would have likewise a majority of its amount of depot (in the case however with genuine money, which also genuinly away is) in soot oil invested, as before in star Energy and star gold.

If one adds stage 3, 4, 5 and 6 and assumes each reader invested 9,000 € in the Frick Russia shares (some more, some fewer), then comes one comfortably on the damage sum mentioned.


To good the latter it would be to be still clarified now why the dear Markus Frick probably makes that everything.

In order to do to its readers of something property?
Probably hardly, like also.
Someone into worthless shares inside to send, can be probably hardly an honourable intention.

Why thus then?
Probably because it profits to substantial from it.

If it received 10% from the estimated damage at a value of 330 millions € also only as commission, then that would be 33 millions €.

How such a commission could have flowed, upon it can be naturally only speculated.
By transmission of shares, which then possibly who, e.g. a trustee, abverkauft piece by piece, as the initiators also?

In the connection two things, which I found in official firm documents (Filings, are remarkable) of star Energy.

With star gold and soot oil one was there obviously somewhat more careful, or other ways found.

To star Energy I found the following:

Here it concerns the contract between star Energy and Volga Neft over the purchase from Volga Neft.
With the present Treaty a mediator company was switched on, which emerges also also in the contract:

IAB Iceland venture SA
PO box 1290
Zone 9A
Panama town center, Republic OF Panama

A mail box firm (PO box) in the offshore country Panama, so which in addition.

Thus is the way, how Frick receives its profit-sharing in million height?

\ \ \ “For providing services as set forth in here, RK the closing OF any financing the company and star shall pay IAB 10% OF the aggregates VALUE OF the transaction consummated with one OF the Contacts or A person or group introduced by A Contact. \ \ \”

10% commission from a share transaction over 10 million shares result in 1 million shares commission.

However still continues, and/or becomes still better:

Here it concerns Kommunarskoe NGDU, a second Russian Bude, which bought star Energy.

\ \ \ “Seller and Buyer acknowledge that IAB Iceland venture SA (“IAB”) has rendered valuable services in connection with this Agreement. In consideration therefor, Buyer shall issue tons of IAB two million (2,000,000) of shares OF Buyer' s common stick pursuant tons of A Registration statement… \ \ \”

The mail box firm was thus so indispensable also here that one retired 2 million star Energy shares as thank beautiful.

Results in thus 3 million shares, which \ \ \ “branched \ \ \” are.
And that is only what I could find by publicly accessible documents.

Probably it gives still by far more, and/or it was simply differently made with star gold and soot oil or masked better.

3 million shares times average proceeds of sale of 3 € (Frick gentleman of its own Pushs was, could it or a trustee the sales there in the best possible way accomplish, and one could sell several-day-long too over 3 €) result in 9 millions €.

There in Panama (offshore) no taxes result, are that 9 millions € net.

Still the question remains, where these 9 millions hang-flowed € then are, and/or who is beneficiary there.
I cannot naturally say that, I would have an assumption naturally already.

If that could help the authorities with the search:
As appendix I copy times the notary voucher of IAB Iceland venture purely.

As results from this, the acting person of this mail box firm is a more certainly SILVESTRE HUTCHINSON.


So, and the circle closes now:

Who is the CEO von Russoil probably?

Silvestre Hutchinson - CEO
Silvestre Hutchinson studied Industrial and Technical engineering and is the molders Director OF bilateral internationally Economic relation RK the Ministry OF Foreign Affairs OF the Republic OF Panama. Presently, Mr. Hutchinson is Vice President OF The Bayano Foundation and the general manager OF Hutch Lewis Consultants.

Amusingly, of the mail box firm stands in his Vita nothing.

Just as little it stands in the Vita that Mr. Hutchinson times boss of Quest of mineral & Mining was, a quoted US firm, obviously also a Abzocke, at least looks the course process grauslich, sees Chart (

And who was there probably its colleague in the management?

Silvestre Hutchinson
Marcus Segal.

And who is Marcus Segal?

The manager of star Energy and star gold. (Marcus Segal, CFO and director) (Marcus Segal, CEO und Direktor)

Marcus Segal ist übrigens auch schon durch Betrügereien aufgefallen, siehe
(Vizepräsident von myperfectcredit, einer wohl betrügerisch arbeitenden Kreditvermittlungsfirma).

Na da hat sich ja eine illustre Truppe zusammengefunden, um dem Kleinanleger etwas \\\"Gutes\\\" zu tun.

Die ganzen Herren kennen sich also bestens!

Ist doch nett, daß Marcus Segal, Silvestre Hutchinson und Markus Frick eine kriminelle Vereinigung bilden, um den Deutschen Anlegern (ein paar aus Österreich und Schweiz werden auch dabei gewesen sein) das Geld aus der Tasche zu ziehen.

Frick kommt die Schlüsselrolle bei der ganzen Sache zu, denn er überredet die Anleger, diese wertlosen Aktien zu kaufen.

Schade, daß das jetzt alles ans Licht kommt.
Wie das wohl ausgehen wird?
Bei einem Schaden in 3-stelliger Millionenhöhe ist sind wohl weder die Behörden noch die Anleger begeistert.

Wer die Hintermänner waren, darüber lässt sich nur spekulieren.

Segal ist meines Wissens aus Amerika, Hutchinson aus Panama.

Da alle Buden russischen Background hatten (Übernahmen russischer Firmen mit angeblich gigantischen Rohstoffresourcen in Russland) und weder Frick, noch Segal, noch Hutchinson aus Russland kommen, schätze ich mal, das sich die Verbindung zu Russland über die Hintermänner dieser ganzen Sache ergeben.

Mit Hintermänner meine ich übrigens folgendes:

Irgendwem müssen ja die Millionen (bzw. bei Russoil sogar fast Milliarden) an Aktien gehört haben, die den gutgläubigen Anlegern verkauft werden.

Die Initiatoren sind also diejenigen, die die wertlosen Börsenmäntel umbenannt haben in Energy / Gold / Oil / Rohstoff-Hype-Tralala, dann die banalen Übernahmen der ebenso wertlosen Russland-Firmen durchgeführt haben, dann Frick mit der Pusherei beauftragt haben und letztendlich dann so viele Aktien wie möglich hier abgeladen haben.

Ob Frick auch zu den Initiatoren gehört oder lediglich ausführendes Organ war (bestimmt nicht ohne satte Gewinnbeteiligung), kann ich nicht sagen.

Meiner Ansicht nach ist Frick der Hauptschuldige, denn ohne ihn wäre der Schaden (zumindest in dieser exorbitanten Höhe) erst gar nicht entstanden.

Nur durch seine intensive wochenlange / monatelange Pusherei (mit Star Energy hat es bereits im Oktober 2006 begonnen) konnten derart viele Aktien abgeladen werden.
Und nur durch seine breite Anlegerschaar, die ihm blind vertraut haben, kam eine derart immense Kaufkraft zusammen, daß so ein hoher Schaden überhaupt entstehen konnte.

Ohne Markus Frick hätte dieser Betrug in 3-stelliger Millionenhöhe nicht stattfinden können.

Ob er Drahtzieher oder nur ausführendes Organ mit Gewinnbeteiligung war, ihn trifft in jedem Fall die Hauptschuld an diesem Schaden.

Das ganze lässt sich auch nicht per \\\"ich habe mich geirrt\\\" entschuldigen, denn die Herren kennen sich ja alle untereinander.

Frick hat wertlose Aktien empfohlen und zwar vorsätzlich.
Daß seine Leser dabei einen Totalverlust erleiden können, war ihm offensichtlich egal.

Frick selbst hat in seiner E-Mail-Hotline von mehreren Besuchen beim Management von Star Energy (also Marcus Segal) geschrieben, somit kannte man sich und er wusste über die Firma bestens Bescheid.

Angesichts der Fakten ist die Unschuldsvermutung meiner Ansicht nach auch insofern hinfällig, daß hier 3x genau die selbe Nummer abgezogen wurde, und jeweils mit einer noch höheren und noch höheren Aktienzahl, Marktkapitalisierung und daher Schadenssumme.

Das spricht für Verbrecher, die den Hals nicht voll genug bekommen und immer mehr und mehr aus den Anlegern herausquetschen wollen.


Falls Ihr übrigens denkt, das kann doch gar nicht sein, daß der liebe Markus Frick, der im Fernsehen und auf Seminaren doch immer so sympathisch wirkt, so etwas macht:

Doch, ist leider so, anhand der genannten Quellenangaben kann es auch jeder selbst nachrecherchieren.

Frick betreibt das ganze übrigens schon seit Jahren.
Die Bezeichnung \\\"Frick-Tannenbaumchart\\\" ist bereits legendär und Aktien wie NFX Gold, Morgan Creek, Ona Exploration, usw. usw. zeigen alle das gleiche Bild:
Hochgepusht, dann zusammengestürzt.
Die Charts sehen also aus wie eine Tannenbaum.

Qualitativ gesehen sind die meisten Empfehlungen (bis auf pseudoseriöses Beiwerk, so nennt er aus Alibi-Gründen immer mal wieder \\\"normale\\\" Aktien, z.B. Allianz usw.) also unterste Schublade, fast alle seine früheren Pushs notieren sogar unterhalb des ursprünglichen Empfehlungskurses und somit sind unterm Strich alle, die gekauft haben und nicht rechtzeitig abgesprungen sind, im Minus.

Daß Markus Frick sich für die Empfehlungen der windigen Rohstoff-Firmen (in den letzten 2 Jahren wurde eine 2-stellige Zahl solcher Rohstoffaktien von ihm \\\"abgearbeitet\\\") fürstlich bezahlen lässt, ist kein Geheimnis.
Sogar die Rohstoff-Firmen, die sich auf seinen Seminaren auf der Bühne oder in den Seminarpausen mit Ständen präsentieren dürfen vor seinem Publikum, zahlen dafür Honorar.
Daß Firmen, die dafür zahlen, empfohlen zu werden, eigentlich generell nicht gerade kaufenswert sind, steht natürlich auf einem anderen Blatt.

Bis Oktober 2006 fand dieses ohnehin nicht gerade legitime System noch in geregeltem Maße statt, aber seit Oktober 2006 (Start des Star Energy Pushs) ist alles anders:

Man empfiehlt keine Firmen, sondern zieht die Buden einfach von vornherein selbst auf, indem man sie gründet / umbenennt usw.
Schließlich ist der Profit da weitaus höher.

Und von Aktie zu Aktie setzt man einen drauf, siehe Aktienzahl Star Energy, StarGold und Russoil, von mal zu mal wurde alles noch extremer.

Daß von vorneherein nur Luft gehandelt wird, war den Beteiligten sicherlich klar, und zeigt sich auch an den Kursverläufen von Star Energy und StarGold.

StarGold ist immer noch mit einem 3-stelligen Millionenbetrag bewertet, bei nur 10.000$ in der Kasse, fragt sich wie lange noch.

Russoil hat diesen markanten Fall erst noch vor sich, hier wird die heiße Luft aktuell immer noch mit 410.4 Mio. € bewertet.
Davon dürften mindestens 400 Mio. € einfach nur heiße Luft sein, was für die Investierten mal wieder fast einem Totalverlust entspricht.


Da der Russoil Push noch in vollem Gange ist, werde ich diese Infos an alle relevanten Medien weiterleiten, damit noch größerer Schaden verhindert werden kann, denn an jedem Tag landen über 1 Mio. € (vgl. Handelsvolumen) auf den Konten der Initiatoren.

Allen Investierten viel Erfolg beim Verkauf der wertlosen Aktien, leider könnt Ihr nicht auf Rückkäufe der Initiatoren hoffen, sondern nur auf andere Dumme, die Euch die Luftschloss-Aktien jetzt noch abkaufen.

Viel Glück.

Alles nur meine persönliche Meinung, bitte anhand der Quellenangaben auch selbst recherchieren.

Bis zu einer Verurteilung gilt die Unschuldsvermutung, auch wenn ich beim Wort Unschuldsvermutung jetzt etwas schmunzeln muß.

Hier noch als Anhang der Notarbeleg der Panama-Briefkastenfirma (Verbindung zu Mr. Hutchinson, CEO von Russoil):

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