Whistles...your late arrival to this board makes your suppositions outdated. We seem to deal with this same party line with all nonshareholders who arrive here either for their own entertainment or to save us from ourselves. The DD has been done, tested, hashed, and rehashed. The only ones not current on it seem to be you late arrivals. Much like when you implied the TA was gagged without the slightest notion of the truth, you had to move off of it in a hurry when the truth actually came out. We are simply getting tired of spoon feeding DD to folks who have no real interest here and can seem only to spout general suppositions with no basis in fact. With all the DD done here, these suppositions are quickly exposed for the foolishness they are for anyone that bothers to catch up on the facts. Not everything goes 100% smoothly in any company. You have to evaluate the circumstances around those "bumps in the road".(I remember when bashers here were saying this company was a scam because everything went TOO smoothly.) So unless you have any FACTS to back up your assertion of a "scam" , please can it.