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The Wawh

06/22/07 6:43 PM

#66 RE: oldguy #54

OT oldguy,

Thanks for your info. Maybe you have read my post on CYGX prior befor it got deleted. I hope so, as it was a nice one.

No hard feelings, it is good to have experienced traders on the board. I will look at the battery recommendation. Sensible move regarding future developments. I have long been looking for something with potential.

The main reason why I got into San Telmo (before the merger with Rolling Thunder) is that the need for oil is going up, the energy consumption is growing as the third world develops and the oil available is harder to get out of the ground.

In a stock game last year, I started with 100K and made 10 Mio. within 3 months mainly with oil future speculation. I am still sorry it was just on paper. At least I was nr. 3 of that year. It was a good learning experience too.

As an alternative energy I like hydrogen (H2), which can be made with (solar) energy and water (H2O). The advantage is that you can store H in a gastank. Hydrogen is an energy storage medium, not a primary energy source. You need batteries too, but above all, you need fuel cells (an electrochemical energy conversion device). Can you give me a tip on fuel cell manufacturers?

Thanks in advance. Have a good weekend and stay healthy.