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Frank Pembleton

12/30/03 12:13 PM

#6843 RE: Sexton O Blake #6842

sOb ... agreed-- I think Apple has the coolest stuff on the face of the planet-- too bad I can't trade stocks from that platform because that's all I would have at home ... Btw, I've got an iMac sitting on my desk collecting dust just because I think it looks so cool.

...about GTW-- there was a very bullish article in yesterday's Barron's--

Can Gateway Find its Way?

Gateway (GTW: NYSE)
By First Global U.S. Research ($4.48, December 24, 2003)

GATEWAY IS A cheap stock -- plain and simple. Of the top 250 U.S. technology stocks, Gateway is the cheapest on the basis of market capitalization to sales. Gateway trades at less than 0.39 times 2003 revenue.

But of Gateway's $1.38 billion market cap, about a billion dollars is in cash and investments alone. Net of this, the company's business is available for a throwaway 0.12x sales!

To our mind, this is about as low as it gets, especially for a branded player. It's a near-Buffetesque valuation, given the net cash position. We expect Gateway's EBIDTA to breakeven in the fourth quarter and to turn significantly positive next year.

Bear in mind that Gateway also has the cyclical tailwind of rising PC sales, and a consumer electronics boom. The macro picture looks quite pleasing.

-- Devina Mehra, Chief Strategist
-- Hitesh Kuvelkar, Analyst,,SB107248054851860200,00.html?mod=b_online_exclusives_left

But I like it because of the chart;

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12/30/03 12:55 PM

#6848 RE: Sexton O Blake #6842

They are the Apple of the PC market.

Nonsense. Big time nonsense. Tell me about GTW's IP portfolio? How many patents does GTW have? What innovations have they developed, other than cow spots on their cardboard boxes? Tell me about their system and application software portfolio? Is their system software a UNIX variant?

No comparison between the two companies.

Ron, long Apple Computer and Music for the next couple of weeks.

Mac and Windows User. Used to use OS 390 (back when it was MVS) and CMS user on IBM big iron. Still likes the PC version of Xedit and uses it occasionally. Can still remember a wee bit of Job Control Language from those days :).